When did your babies turn??


Well-Known Member
Mar 22, 2010
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As far as I know, my baby is still breech. He certainly does riverdance on my lady bits every night. Michael Flatley would be proud!!

My 1st was still breech at 31 and I clearly remember the night she turned, it was quite painful and I knew for sure it had happened. No 2 was always head down.

There can't be much room left in there now. When did all your babies turn from breech to head down? I know there is plenty of time yet, just curious.......
How do you know bub is breech? Just curious as I'm only a week behind you and cant tell what way bub is lying x
Firstly when the MW had a feel around a couple of weeks ago she said the legs were at the bottom (she thought) and followed the back up my right side to the head. And I can feel very strong kicking movements 'down there', like literally he's stampeding his way out lol.
I thought i read the get into position around 32 weeks somewhere, but everyones different. My little boys been head down for a couple of weeks I think, before that his head was usually resting on my bladder (we know this from scans etc lol). I didn't feel him turning, I was just aware one day that I now had feet and legs sticking out underneath my ribs, when I was examined at the hospital last weekend they confirmed he is indeed head down, but not engaged yet phew x
Mine turned about 3 weeks ago and hasn't moved since so i'm guessing bubs is staying there. Babes can move round more in subsiquent pregnancies so i wouldn't worry yet - but by about 35 weeks they should be head down.
My little ones still breech at the moment. Im hoping she turns lol but they don't worry about it until your 36 weeks so I imagine they can turn at any point. Some people say their babies can turn during labour as well!

The midwife told me that baby was the wrong way up at my last appointment, but shes been there since my 20 week scan. But like amyjayne I get all my kicks very low and her head can get very very uncomfortable under my ribs lol. Just a solid ball that doesnt allow me to move sometimes bless her.
My last baby was breech till 36 wks :) There's loooots of time and plenty of room just yet.

Look at this website for positions to encourage a breech baby to turn - it's also useful if your baby isnt breech and helps get them in to optimal birthing position :)

Just had a look at that website and its really good! Shall deffinatly be trying a few things now. :)
if you've been following my thread you'll already know my girl is back to back (sunny side up), head down but not engaged!
been doing some exercises to encourage her to turn and i'm on the website mervs mum linked me too, it's great :D
Deffinatly going to try belly mapping this week. Ill post a pic when Ive done it :)
my baby was breech (head up) at my 4d scan a week ago, and then today at my midwife appointment she said she is now head down. :) i asked her if she would be staying there from now on then and she sai its likely she will turn a few more times still before she is born x
Thanks ladies. What a fab site!!! Lots of interesting stuff on there!!!!
i think my baby has always preferred a nearly head down position, whenever they have checked him he has been bum in the air :)

he has been properly moving around this week though! i imagine he is still head down if the foot in the rib is anything to go by, but who knows!

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