When did your babies start sleeping through the night?

My little one has slept through since 8 weeks full 12 hours 7-7 apart from a few occasions when she's been unwell. Her routine is night garden, bath, baby bed time lotion massage, dressed and into grobag bottle and laid into her cot awake. She will toss and turn hug her teddy etc and then drift off no fuss no tears. She does have a dummy. She's now 13 months and been in her own room since 7 months.. hoping this routine doesn't dissappear when I take away the dummy!
my little girl was one on Monday. When she was born, she was waking 4 times a night for feeds and even at 6-9 months she was waking up to 5 times a night then DH suggested putting her in her own room. So I did, then after that she sleeps through finally at 10 months!! And now she goes bed 7-8pm and wakes 8-10am so all them sleepless nights shes making up for it now.

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