when did you start to show?

im 15 weeks and i look porky and rounded but not sure if thats just extra weight im carrying, not definate bump yet x I showed early with my first but thats because i was slim, this is my fourth child and i have a bit of extra skin so im guessing it will probably take longer for me to show x
i started to show or look podgy around 9 weeks-ish but as u know this is my 2nd :lol: i dont think i started to show with DD until i was around 16 weeks (ish) xx
This is my first and i showed very early, I was bloated from 5 weeks but got a rounded bump from 11 weeks. I'm only 5'2" and usually a size 8-10.

My bumps been noticeable for ages but the growth rate slowed down at 20 weeks and now my bump is smaller than some of the ladies in my yoga class.

I think everyone grows at different rates but it all evens out in the end xx
This is my first and I just popped at about 21/22 weeks x

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