When did you start potty training?

Lola's Mummy

Well-Known Member
Oct 5, 2007
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When did you start / plan to start potty training?

How do you know if your LO is really?
I've no idea! However I put DD on her potty naked last night for the first time - and she did a wee in it! Just by chance/accident I think, but still good news all the same!

I think I'll do that most nights from now on. I just do it while she's watching In the Night Garden after tea.

Valentine Xxx
That's brilliant valentine! :cheer:

I left Lola for about 1 minute the other day without a nappy on and when got back into the room she'd wee'd all over my carpet :roll:
when they realise they're wet, show an interest in the potty, know they're going to wee/poo etc

theres quite a few signs but tbh i would do the same as Valentine as it gets them used to it and they wont be afraid of it (its not foreign)
I started potty training Lydia a little when she was about 18 months, but she didn't get the hang of it at all. She was showing all the signs of being ready but I think she just didn't feel like it.

She was finally day potty trained in Spring this year.

She is now fully potty trained during the day, and also during her nap. (the no nappies at nap time has been for about a month).

We haven't tried her without a nappy at night yet but I think she would be ok, but I'm going to Spain next week so I'm going to wait until we get back to try that.
Well I introduced Ky to a pot about 3 months before he turned two...But it wasn't until we settled in Germany as he turned two that I gave more time to it as i'd stopped working and started MAT leave...Then it took another 3 months until he was having no accidents. He was brilliant from the begining if he was naked, but it took a while for it to click into place that he couldn't just have a wee if he was dressed.
i took lukes nappy off tonight while i was running the bath (what a test eh with the taps running :roll: ) and he wee'd all over the floor then slipped over on it and bit his lip!! i'm the stupid one though!! :wall:

i think i will wait for a while and maybe like valentine just get him used to what a potty is for!!
i took lukes nappy off tonight while i was running the bath (what a test eh with the taps running :roll: ) and he wee'd all over the floor then slipped over on it and bit his lip!! i'm the stupid one though!! :wall:

i think i will wait for a while and maybe like valentine just get him used to what a potty is for!!

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