When did you resume cuddles?


Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2005
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Hi guys,

Not sure if this is the right place to post this but hey-ho! What i'd like to know is when everyone started having cuddles again after giving birth (sorry if this has been discussed before) especially if you tore and had to have stitches.

I know for me i've still got a couple of weeks to go until my 6 week check up & have been told it takes this long until things are back to normal but my down below bits still aren't right. My perenium hasn't healed up properly yet & when I go to the loo it feels like everything is being squeezed really hard & it hurts. Quite often it hurts down there if I stand for too long & can be uncomfortable sitting for too long as well.

Its getting me down now,so fed up of hurting. Even though i'm not that keen on having cuddles anytime soon (scared to death infact!) I feel sorry for my poor hubby. I think his Winky will shrivel up & fall off soon if it doesn't see any action!! :lol:


Nicki.x :(
Perhaps make an appointment to see your Dr and ask aboput this if you are really worried?? I didn't have sex til 8 weeks after but that was because I was convinced I was like the euro tunnel and wanted to do my pelvic floor exercises. But your point about the winky shrivelling up and falling off, it doesn't :wink: !! My boyf used to say that all the time and it is still there lol
5 weeks PP. Makes me cringe just reading what I wrote! It was fine, but since then it's still been uncomfy. No adventurous positions for us!! Plus with TTC things better loosen up soon otherwise it's going to be an immaculate conception ;)

Things are definately different down there!
about 5 weeks after for us, was a bit uncomfortable at first but has been ok since, we were told to wait until 6 weeks but couldnt hang on that long!!
at least your DH is willing to wait kris wasnt he harrassed me every night in the end i gave in 2weeks after i had Harley, but i had no stitchs or any thing
About 4 weeks after but felt ok from 3 weeks but I was still bleeding so had to wait.
5 months later and still no action. Tried it this week but it wasn't happening for one reason or another. I'm still not 100% healed either :(
first try was at 7 weeks after (had 2nd degree tears) but did not work out...was far too uncomfortable, and I was really worried about the consequences ( I thought everything was gonna tear again!), and 2nd try was 2 weeks later, and it went ok...not great but ok, and it gets better little by little, but it's still not completely healed either!

Mel xx
Oh good grief kim & Mel, You's scaring me now, So it could be several months before its all healed properly :shock: Boo Hoo :cry:

I'm scared i'll rip open again (silly I know :roll: ) it kinda hurt before I had a baby so dreading it now I have, mind you may not hurt as I feel like its a bit baggy down there at the mo. :lol: Poor Dave!!!!
I dtd last night (ok waaaay TMI!!) and it's still not 'right' down there. It's only the bit at first that's a bit scary but after that things are fine :D :oops:

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