when did i concieve?


Aug 3, 2010
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Hi, i am trying to figure out a rough date that i became pregnant. I cant remember the last day i had a period all i have is this information
On thursday the 24th june my hcg was 0.5 negative
On Monday the 12th July my hcg was 38
On thursday the 22nd july it was 4100
I had a scan on thurs the 27th July and they said i was approx 5-6 wks pregnant
What i really want to know is, what dates would i have had to have sex to now be pregnant? Obv i know im 5-6 weeks, but what actual days did i have sex? Hope you get what i mean?!
i'm not totally sure but they said to me they go from the date of the start of your last period +7 days and then add 9 months - so i'm guessing you conceived around 6-7 weeks ago!!!
Its not possible to get an exact date cos u could have ov'd anytime in ur cycle...day 14 been avg would make it approx 3-4 weeks ago but then egg mite not have been fertilised str8 away,sperm can live a few days inside u so basically could have been anytime.

If ur 5-6 weeks pregnant u must have conceived 3-4 weeks ago cos when u conceive ur already classed as 2 weeks pg...hope that makes sense? xxx
Emma has it in the bag. So they say you ovulate 2 wks after the first day of your last period. That's always how I understood it, and doctors add 2 weeks to when you would have concieved. X
Today I had a scan, and it says I am about 6 weeks 3 days, but the thing is, I totally can't remember the last day of my period atall! So obviously I know how pregnant I am, it's just frustrating me trying to think of actual days I had sex to concieve? Would it be like mud June, or end of June? Or beginning of June? Confused!! X
Right, I think iv finally got it! According to my due date my last period should have been the 21st of June, so, I would have actually got pregnant a week or 2 after that? Xx
That sounds about right to me hon. If you are 6 weeks and 3 days pregnant, that means that the first day of your last period would have been 6 weeks and 3 days ago. You ovulate approx 14 days (not always the case) after the 1st day of your period so you should be able to work it out from that.
That sounds about right to me hon. If you are 6 weeks and 3 days pregnant, that means that the first day of your last period would have been 6 weeks and 3 days ago. You ovulate approx 14 days (not always the case) after the 1st day of your period so you should be able to work it out from that.

ok i get it now! :P :dance:

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