when could i do a sneaky early test?

awww hun, still the witch hasnt got u yet so ts all good hunipie!! x
just to let you know i have had really bad lower backache and mild stomach pains. headache today and more discharge and so so tired feeling really positive about this now. going to do a first response test in the morning so will keep you posted tomoz i will be 12dpo x
ahhh sooo excited for you! I might have to sneak on here at work to see if there is any news! :) xx
i havnt tested, being a good girl and going to wait till saturday to test only because i have been very lazy been really tired and the weather has been so so cold so didnt go and buy any,how bad is that i love testing lol but still loads going on really really sore boobs tonight hurt just touching them and alot of discharge!!
you will be the first too know either way thanks for asking pudds hope all good your end!! xx
I actually got up off my comfy sofa snuggled with OH because I was wondering about you! You should think yourself very priviledged indeed!!! lol. Okay hun... you are much more patient than i would be. Good luck anyway chick. xx
r thank you bless i do feel very honored!! say sorry to the oh bet he was lovely and comfortable. its only coz im being lazy if the shop was nearer i would be there in a flash speak soon lovely xx
lol, thats fair enough though.. it is bloody cold! I am still wishing for snow though!! Speak later sweet. xx
wanna test cant wait but i know i have to as i will be so upset if it comes up with a bfn thinking i may walk to a cheap shop i know that sales the 10mlu for £1.50 would that still work its not a fmu??
It might but TBH I think it would be a waste of £1.50 if you're not using FMU :)
thanks i didnt go lol its too bloody cold!! going to just wait and use my first response sometime over the weekend x
im feeling sick and got a headache :yay::yay::yay: but im quite happy about it :lol: been really snappy too not sure if thats a sign of af tho?? well i never thought i could leave a test sitting in the cupboard waiting :shock:
do i test tomz or af due day sunday???? no :poas: pushers please :lol:
umm... TOMORROW! lol. sorry... honestly... wait til Sunday hun x

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