When and how do i see the midwife?


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2006
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Hi im 9 weeks i went to see the doctor when i was 6 weeks and he told me to just rest!
Do i have to book in with the midwife or dose the doctor do it for you? and when should this be?
When i was pregnant with my son 5y i had problems so i went for scans and midwife from 6week !
Can anyone help me? :?:
I went to the doctors at 7 weeks and then a midwife contacted me for my booking in at 10 weeks. If you are worried though due to your past pregnancy i would phone and see if you can get seen early xx
Thank you, if i dont hear anything by next week i think ill phone them.
im probibly worrying to much! i just want a scan to see if averything is ok
or at least to hear it!
Things have been different this time round for me too. I thought it was the same procedure everytime!.. With my first I had a booking in at 9 weeks then scan at 12/13 weeks. Im 10+1 now and midwife has only just contacted me about my booking in appointment for June 1st which will make me over 13wks :? So god knows how many weeks ill be before i get my scan!
i got a letter through the post from my midwife saying that in had an appointment:)
thanks for the replys, i have recived my appointment today its for next friday so its not to bad, but my doctor had to push for it as i collapsed the other day!

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