What's your water bill?


Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2011
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Heyyy, I would appreciate some input here ladies :D

I'm pretty sure we've been overpaying for our water bill. I can't remember exactly what it is but I know for our move to the new bigger house (well it's only a small 3 bed, but bigger than our 2 bed flat!) we've allowed £100 a month for clean water and sewerage. I think it's £70-£80 a month at the moment (we don't even have a garden?!)

I know this kind of thing varies widely with area, we are in the south east. I was looking up average household rates for this area last night and was pretty sure £35 a month was the average household bill for our area.

Can anyone tell me if it sounds like we're being ripped off, and how much you pay? Thanks :)
Oh also we are not on a meter or anything here at the flat as we knew we'd have to move again soon :) x
Our first 2 bills were about £37 a month but we're now on a water meter and they're about £12 a month
God mine has just come in at 51 a month . For 6 months it is 205 something!!

and we are really careful x
It was definitely a good idea to get a meter, I didn't think it would make much difference! We've got a small 2 bedroom house with tiny garden but we're forever outside washing/polishing the cars.
£23 per month in a meter. Where in the southeast are you?
Im in the east 2 bedroomed house on a water meter paying £18 a month x

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I'm in a large 4 bed detached, there's 2 of us and we are metered and it's £30/month x
i am in a 3 bed semi, new build, my water is £19 a month. It is just me and OH living there
If you don't have a water meter the amount you pay is based on your council tax band.... can't remember what ours is but i know it's mental.... i'm not used to paying seperately for your water... in Scotland it's part of your council tax
Mine is about £250 every 6 months and we are on a water metre and really carefull ! I think we need to invest in a shower! I live in a 3 bed semi
Mine is rates and it's £65 a month, but I'm in the north west x
I live in Wales, not metered and its £60 a month ...
im in the north west, was 23 a month.
its gone down too 17 a month now yey, extra £6 in are pocket month woop woop :D
Hey chick,
Mine is a total rip off. We pay rates so don't have a meter and its 900 pound a year. But I live in the south west and I'm sure I read some where that we pay one of the highest rates xxxx
Holy shit!!

Scuse my French lol. Some of you guys pay a fortune for water.

I live in a 4 bed detached house with my hubby in the north east with a water meter and we pay 20 a month. I was complaining recently as it used to cost me 15 per month!!

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