Whats your snow situation?

We were supposed to have loads here! London got hit but not essex? Well we did, for about 2 days!
It wasn't too bad last week but tonight it has started snowing again, very thick and very heavy!
we got snow too.quite fast and settling.blummin freezing too
Grr I'm annoyed at our bloody council.

They've run out of grit, OH just got in from his poker night and he says the roads have 2+ inches of snow on, nothings melting at all. If they don't close the schools it will be so dangerous out in the morning. :evil:
all the snows melted here, jus pissin it down now :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:
We've still got a lot of snow on the ground but no more has fallen since the weekend.
I think ts gonns melt today cos the suns out. Its still really cold though!
rain, rain go away, come again another daaaaaaaaay...

its just not lettin up, reckon the roads gonna get flooded :wall: :wall:
We still have a fair bit of snow, but it was all slushy this morning and with the buggy getting to school on the morns its a nightmare!

I want warm weather and the snow to bog of!
my mum still had the icy remnants of our snowman in her garden yesterday :shock: :shock:

are we meant to get more?
it's sunny here!!! Yesterday it was positively warm but today was frosty, i was actually freezing getting out of bed this morning!! I think our snow is over, though i think we are forecast a tiny bit more.

THe snow allowed me 4 extra days to finish my uni assignment, therefore i love it!!!
we're having more snow as I type. it's been on all morning and is lying so you guys may get more later too.
:( no snow for us! its nkice and sunny actually which makes a change.
Just started snowing here. It's wet snow so not laying.
We've got loads again!!! I'm so fed up of the damn stuff now! If it all came in 1 go then fine, but it's been so random! It's laying quite well.
Hazel said:
Just started snowing here. It's wet snow so not laying.

I just looked out the window and the snow is laying! Wasn't expecting that. Had this much in 2 hours.


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