Whats your religion?

Thanks for all your replies, it looks like we have a pretty broad cross section here which I find fascinating! :D
christian prossie here (its a good job there isnt many men on this forum :rotfl:

I think its great to have so many variations if we all stood on common ground it would be a very boring world
My sentiments exactly cassi :D

Ive always been fascinated with religion, all the different beliefs and practices. I sometimes think it would be a more peaceful world if everyone had the same religion - but then I think that would leave no room for imagination and free will, things that make us human.
glitzyglamgirl said:
My sentiments exactly cassi :D

Ive always been fascinated with religion, all the different beliefs and practices. I sometimes think it would be a more peaceful world if everyone had the same religion - but then I think that would leave no room for imagination and free will, things that make us human.

I think you are great GGG...I seem to be able to relate to 99.9% of the things you say :D I could'nt label myself as a spriritualist but I am a very deep person in thought and I would relate very much so to the spritualist/pagan way of life.
cassi said:
glitzyglamgirl said:
My sentiments exactly cassi :D

Ive always been fascinated with religion, all the different beliefs and practices. I sometimes think it would be a more peaceful world if everyone had the same religion - but then I think that would leave no room for imagination and free will, things that make us human.

I think you are great GGG...I seem to be able to relate to 99.9% of the things you say :D I could'nt label myself as a spriritualist but I am a very deep person in thought and I would relate very much so to the spritualist/pagan way of life.

Oh wow thanks, I think your great too :hug:

Ive noticed your very deep in thought, whenever I see your name as the last poster in a thread im always keen to see what you have said and usually agree :D
Aww thanks hun ditto :hug:

I think sometimes I think too much and I need to clear my mind but I never can...I am forever bringing up the past, wether good or bad in my mind....I have been through my bad times, very bad times and good times, and very good times and I think getting through thing I have gotten through in the past (I cant say with no) But with little remorse have given me a very strong mind.
I believe in Darwin, complete aethiest.

Have no problem with people having religions and beliefs, just don't want it forced on me .
Kathrin why do u keep digging up threads from 2007??? There are plenty of recent threads!

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Pagan with a Pagan husband and will raise Pagan children. But I couldn't care less what someone's religious background is. Be nice to me and I'm nice back, simple. Never did get the whole arguing 'my religion is the right religion not yours' thing I've heard so much. If we can all get along, why can't anyone else?
I'm also apparently Jewish by blood as my Nana was Jewish, only found that out recently though.
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I don't really have a religion to be honest x
I don't believe in any form of religion, I'm happing without :)
To confuse everyone,
Methodist babtised (and family are)
Catholic Schools
Church of england wedding.

no religion (only one who didnt get christend)
His family
Bros CofE
mum is methodist.
Agnostic, but 'technically' Greek Orthodox.
I'm a practicing Christian and go to a church of England church.

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