Whats your Jeremy Kyle headline?

:rofl: love it! Mine would be too long to have a title but I'll give you the jist..

My cousin is 15, his mummy is M and his auntie is P.. His daddy is G.. P and G have lived together for a few years now, so its his daddy and his auntie, but he's technically his uncle as well.. Hmmm lol my 2 aunties are fine with it though :oooo:

Also 35 years ago my daddys daddy went to the shop for a bap and never came back.. Fucker crawled back when my lovely Granny passed away.. I refused to set eyes on him, he's going blind and wanted to see everyone, tough luck.. Left my granny with 8 children, one son recently dead and never even left a note, I would bring him on JK solely to let the audience throw things at him! X
Gawd :shock: this all makes mine sound tame (apart from the fake pregnancy thing but that was nowt to do with me)!
That's only 2 of mine, my family should be on eastenders :lol: I never seen the fake preg thing! X

"going out with best friend but married you instead" :oooo:
I'm so sure Jen did see it! How could she possibly have missed it?
I'm a plank! I did :blush: my "friend" had a similar thing going lol I remember! What's wrong with people?! X
Jayne - is that the one where she was giving different due dates and we were wondering how they were doing it and he hadn't noticed a cushion up her top? Lmao
It was much like an elephants pregnancy if I remember right :rofl:
I think I read that thread open mouthed all the way through haha! I reckon someone should ressurect it to bring back memories, I'm too lazy to look for it! Lmao
"in love with my best mate's kid's dad" :lol: although we became friends after we got together!
OooOOOOoooo my sister could be on there! "I told my fiancée I wasn't cheating, I'm now expecting the other man's baby!"
:rofl: I love this! Fab idea Mamafy! And may I add its laaaavely to have you back :love:

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