whats your fantasy lifestyle?


Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2006
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If you could live ANY lifestyle you wanted, money is no object, law is no boundry, what would it be?

I would live on an island of 150 people (the socially perfect number) who all had the same outlook on life. My OH and our kids we are going to have would be there of course, and our home would be a cosy little wooden house powered by a wind turbine and heated with a wood burner, with a vegatable garden, chickens and goats. Everyone on the island would live in similiar homes and would all be completely self sufficient and carbon neutral. We wouldnt have TV's, playstations, computors or anything else that forces someone to sit still like a zombie for hours, instead we would talk and read and play music.

We wouldnt have money, and there would be no taxes. We would instead trade as people did before the invention of money - in goods and services. I would weave and write, and OH would paint and build.

There would be a communal hall where the children are taught during the day, and everyone gathered in the evenings for dinner together followed by music and dancing and drinking.

Ok it seems like a cliche but its great escapism to imagine this lifestyle for a while :D

So what would your dream lifestyle be?

Would it be the same as what you have now, a variation, or something completely different?

For the sake of this conversation lets pretend no evil people exist and you can have anything you want :D

i would definatly wanna live abroad, have a lot of money so i dont need to worry any more...

send my kids to private school so they get the best education..

thats it i think
My ideal lifestyle would be when we finally have our home in Houston and we are all healthy and financially stable.
I'd still live in Blighty, and in Brum, but a different one......

I'd move it to the coast, to an unspoilt bit that only attracts locals from my neighbourhood. I still live 6 miles out of the centre, to enjoy the trappings of city life, but my 'village' would be a haven of culture, with a theatre, little arthouse flea-pit cinema and 15 good restaurants representing all the world's cuisine. There'd be no crime there and everyone would be tolerant of others and live in peace and harmony.

My house would be a gorgeous three-storey, 5 bedroom Victorian terrace, decorated immaculately inside and out, and I'd have a brilliant cleaner. :wink:

All my family and friends would be financially secure, working only on a volunteer basis doing things they really care about. This means we all have lots of leisure time and socialise LOADS!! We go out for meals, to the theatre and have picnics on the beach at any time since the climate is warm (but not hot) all year round :D
I would Live in a 6 bedroomed self cleaning house

It would always be sunny except the week of christmas where the snow would be 3 foot high and gorgeous

My garden would be bigger

My family and Ians family would live closer

I would have a nice car

Ian would not have to go away to work

I would have another wonderful child

And most importantly alfie would have a mouth full of teeth that never bothered him any more and he would let me sleep all night!
id like to live in a small community, abroad where it is nice and warm
everyone would be really friendly
there would be no crime in the world
i would live in a really big house which is furnished beautifully, i would have a cook and a cleaner
i would have lots of my own children and adopt and foster lots
i would be married to johnny depp hehe :lol:
and i would never have to worry about money and be able to buy anything i wanted

very materialistic :think:
my life is perfect except for having no money! i'm completely happy with my boyf and our baby so all i'd want is lotsa money so we didnt hav 2 work and could go lotsa exciting places together.
ggg i love the sound of your world , can i be a neighbour ? i swear i find it so hard to make really friends cos i find it so easy on the internet , if we didnt have the internet id have to have real friends lol

maybe u should sign up for shipwrecked ! thats i think is somthing that id love to do , but seem they only put skinny girls on it lmao
Alfies mummy your last wish made me laugh, about Alfies teeth!!!! bless him.
Louie is exactly the same at the mo. :hug:
I nearly have my perfect life!
My daughter is amazing
My partner loves me
I do live abroad, the outside temp thermometer says its 31 degrees already and its only 8.30 lol.
I have a beautiful home that doesn't cost me a penny, in fact nothing costs us here from food shopping to the Internet every single bill is covered by the company as part of our ex pat deal.
We have a brand new car that we get to swap for which ever brand new car we want next whenever we want too.
I have a cleaner, a gardener and someone to run errands for me.
I live in ten minutes drive across the bridge into the city centre but im in a green belt area at the foot of the Buda hills so i live 3 minutes away from park and 10 minutes away from beautiful walks up in the hills.
If my Hungarian suddenly became word perfect and the locals learned how to use traffic lights and indicators then id never have anything to moan about again :rotfl:
mel, your life sounds wonderful,

who did you say OH works for ? :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: can u not smuggle Ian in and over?

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