What's your BF goal?

valentine said:
I would love to get to one year, and the only thing I can see that might stop that happening is having to start a new job in the next few months. This is the preferred option work-wise, but not b/feeding wise. I just don't feel confident asking for expressing facilities at a new job with people I don't know.

I've not used formula to date so would love to get to one year on breastmilk alone. I would also consider continuing after this time with early morning and bedtime feeds until DD weans herself, but would like to try for another baby this autumn so may have to stop to ensure ovulation as I have not had my first period after her birth yet.

Sorry for the convoluted answer - its something on my mind a lot.

Valentine Xxx

As regards to the expressing-don't worry,even my school agreed to let me express in Matrons office whenever I wanted-they didn't bat an eyelid when i mentioned it,and my school is pretty conservative :lol:
ct the moment i am aiming for when we start weaning or until i go back to work.... whichever comes first, weaning probably.

Holly already has a bottle of either ebm or formula in the middle of the night so i am not concerned about switching as she is happy to have either. I am so pleased to still be b/f as we had to take Holly back to the hospital when she was 5 days old because she was jaundiced and not feeding properly... lost 11oz and was so tempted to switch to formula then. She was so tiny to start with, I couldnt bear the thought of her not eating...
I managed to bf till Daniel was 3 and a half months old. And I wished I could have done it for much longer! With the next baby I will try untill bubsa will want to stop.

I dont know if I have any right to give any advice for other mums, because I didnt manage to go that far myslef, but, if you have no problems with breastfeeding and enjoying it why to set yourself any limits? I agree, that bf till 4 years is strange, but if I will be able to, i will try to breastfeed till about 20 - 24 months with the next one!

:hug: Good luck with breastfeeding to everyone! :hug:
my goal when pregnant was to be able to do it full stop, which i did :cheer: then i hoped to reach 6 months, which i did (she didnt try formula til she was 6 months!) :cheer:

my current goal is to move her on to formula and solids, but keep my supply going so i can still use it for comfort, or when we're caught out and she's hungry/thirsty, or to help her recover if she's ill, or for convenience of night-feeding. which i am doing so far!

my next goal will be to wean MYSELF off it :lol: coz i enjoy the bonding so much, but i want my body back, and i dont fancy the idea of BFing with teeth, or a baby who's old enough to demand it (pull my top up, etc) makes me feel a bit uncomfortable. but both those situations are fast approaching now she's 8 months, so i need to stop soon- im gonna miss it i think. :lol:
With Tia I wanted to bf until she was a year... I got to 9 months then sadly had to give up because of her lactose intolerance...and I cried and I cried and I cried... I loved bfing her... :cry: :cry: :cry:

I didn't realise HOW much I missed it until I had lil miss... And I love it all over again... This time my goal is to get her to 4 months 100% bf and then introduce some solids during the day as I am going back to work.... I will express as much as I can... although I will probably switch to formula during the day as Spanish people round here are a bit squeamish about bfing in general. But I will keep am and pm boob feeds because they are the nice ones :) the cuddly feeds...they were the ones I missed the most with Tia :cry: and when I quit bfing this time I'll cry and cry and cry again :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
I'm aiming for 12 months but short term goal will be when Alex gets teeth, then see how I cope with the biting lol.
At the beginning, as others said, the goal was to breastfeed, that's it. We managed to do that, regardless of the problems we had along the way. Now, my goal is to keep breastfeeding as long as I can. Hopefully my problems will go away (lumps, thrush, engorgement). Now, I hope we can go up to 5-6 months exclusively breastfeeding, then going to introduce solids and then hopefully we will keep the night and first day feed up to a year, then switch to cow's milk. This is my goal anyway, lol - we'll see how it goes! :)
I always said that I would attempt to BF

Then I said 4 weeks - the 3 months then 6 months

and oh lordy lourdy I am now at 13 months and still feeding!

Its so easy now I have no plans to stop

but if I hadn't have had the support in the early weeks then I would have stopped, get hep where you can and talk to other BF mums

You will do as much as you want to!
4 months then I intend to express until he's 6 months, then swap to formula as I will be back at work x

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