Whats your babys night time routine??


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2006
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I have to say that Elora was amazing her first month... went to bed at 11pm and woke up at 8am

Now though.....

Bedtime at 7pm when she moans to go to bed (with bottle)
EDIT: Forgot to say dream feed at 11pm :roll: lol
Wakes at 4am for a feed
Wakes up at 6am and wont go back to sleep.

and in between all that shes moaning :(

If any of you say your babies sleep 7pm till 8am I wont be a happy bunny :twisted: lol
We've got Brody into a great routine now, I don't know if it will last but for now I feel very lucky.

Bath @ 7pm
Bottle downstairs, a book etc and a cuddle till he starts to moan
About 8-8.30 we put him up into bed, awake and he never even moans, he just closes his eyes and goes to sleep.
I give him a dreamfeeed still when I go up to bed, usually between 11 and 12pm

When he wakes in the morning, maybe around 7, I hand him his bottle and he'll drink it and go back to sleep for another hour :D
Lennon has his last feed at about 11 PM and wakes at between 9.30-10 AM (i've got him trained well) :rotfl:
I think we stopped the dream feed (at 10) when he was about 6-7 months, but his routine now is dinner at 5.00, bath at 6.15 - 6.30, bottle then in bed by 7.00 and he sleeps through to usually about 8.00, the earliest he wakes is 7 and the latest so far has been 9.45.
He's slept through from 6 weeks, his routine then was very similar except his last bottle was at 11.00, over time this became earlier & earlier & he would need a bottle at 6.00am then would go back to sleep until 9.00. :cheer:
alice falls asleep around 8-9 ish. wakes for a feed around 12. then wakes for another feed at 4. then again at 7.

I was thinking she would drop the 4 feed, as she used to wake at 3, and it moved to 4, and she was only taking 2 oz maybe, but in the last week she has gone back to taking a full 5 oz again. :roll:

still, she does tend to fall back to sleep in the morning till about 10.
all mine are in bed by 8pm. Rachael wakes around 11 and 5 but goes to sleep after a feed so i can't grumble.

we are all up at 6.30 every morning. any later than that and we struggle getting ready for school.
Leorah goes to bed at 7ish and gets up at 6ish but since the clocks went forward it has been 8ish and getting up at 7ish which suits me fine, perfect for summer, I say we are on english time (we are an hour ahead in Denmark!). She will usually sleep through fine but will often wake around 4/5 to blow raspberries and have a natter to herself but this morning I had to go in as she had her arm twisted and hanging through the cot railings :roll:

Violet I did read somewhere that dropping the DF can often mean a baby starts sleeping for longer as it can interrupt the sleep cycles but maybe its for an older baby. Leorah usually wakes up at 6am when my DH gets up, I have just decided to go with it and start the day and get to bed earlier. It means she is down for her morning nap by 8.30am and while the weather is nice I sit outside and read my book in the sun (still need my coat but its lovely being outside )
Is it OK for a one month old to sleep through or does she need to eat more in the night? Katie feeds a lot usually before bed. I take her at 10, but it takes an hou or two of feeding and changing etc to get us both in bed, then she sometimes sleeps till 5/6, but sometimes wakes at 3 too.
ive been so lucky, Tia has been sleeping through from 2 weeks.

she started going down at 10 ish and then started to grumble earlier and earlier so we just moved her bedtime forward.

her routine is now as follows:-

bath 6:30 followed straight away by her bottle after a short play on the bed, cos she associates getting dressed with sleep, then bed between 7 and 7:30
wakes between 6 and 7 in morning for bottle,
get up and play while i do the boys then wash and dressed back down at 8,
up between 9 and 10 for bottle and play
back down anytime for half hour ish
bottle between 12 and 1
sleep from 2 sometimes till 4
bottle between 4 and 5
play until bath at half 6.

Ive never bothered with a dream feed because i thort it would disturb her. they will wake if theyre hungry. xxxx
Ellouise has her bath at 7pm... then more a less constantly feeds for an hour... then she falls asleep on the bf pillow... after half hour there i transfer her to my bed. When i go to bed at 11/12 i just put her straight into her moses basket and she sleeps till 6/7 at which point she comes in mummys bed (NO FEED) and she sleeps till 9/10am... so if u excuse the messing about between my bed and her bed then she sleeps 8-9 :)

altho i didnt say that she'll be changing!!! hahaha

only mentioned the other day to kay that ellouise was sleeping thru and she demanded a afeed at 5am the next morning!!! haha
I let katie get up at 5am if she wants to, as I like to get up at 6 anyway to get us both ready.

And it doesn't matter whether they sleep through does it? We still have to change nappies in the middle of the night..
kayzee said:
they will wake if theyre hungry. xxxx

I have found that to not always be the case. Sometimes Katie is too sleepy to tell me she's hungry and just sort of murmurs, then she has a really good drink when I lift her up.
Icecream said:
And it doesn't matter whether they sleep through does it? We still have to change nappies in the middle of the night..

do we? :shock:
Are you telling me you'd let your child sleep in a dirty/wet nappy?

Well I have to anyway because these cotton nappies leak if they get too full.
crikey u make it sound like child abuse...

if ella was unhappy she''d wake me...

defeats the object of ur baby sleepin thru if u wake them to do nappy changes...

dont think im the only one who leaves in the night till baby wakes
Well I suppose disposables are different as they at least lock away urine. cotton ones leak all over the clothes if left, which of course makes it more uncomfortable.
Icecream said:
Are you telling me you'd let your child sleep in a dirty/wet nappy?

Well I have to anyway because these cotton nappies leak if they get too full.

Harrison sleeps through the night and if he wees i never change his nappy untill the morning, like Lozzie said it defeats the object of them sleeping through! The only time ive ever woken Harry up from any sleep/nap is if he's done a poo
Arianna has a bath between 6.30 and 7pm then is in her bed between 7.30 - 8pm and that's her until 8am

She ocationally moans at about midnight if I'm too noisy going to bed but she settles within minutes.

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