Whats wrong with this country!!


Well-Known Member
Nov 3, 2009
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Our beloved country is going through a really tough time as we know. NHS cut backs, HMRC job losses, reduction in tax credits, huge national debt but it appears we the tax payer can afford for our government to sent 10 million quid to afganistan to help out with the flood victims.

Dont get me wrong, i am all for charity. I always donate, fund raise for and support charities but only when i can afford to do it. Plus when i do donate my hard earned cash it is by choice. Now my point is that i work my ass off and have done all my adult life (from 15 actually) and i pay my taxes. That portion of the money i work for goes to the government who are choosing to give it away when my own country is in such great need.

Then they kick off about stripper jobs being advertised in the job center as they are worried it might force people into the profession. Well i think its bull sh*t, no one can be forced into a job and anyway it will reduce the amount of people claiming dole therefore reducing the countries problems. Saying that tho, the goverment will probably give their taxes away as well so making our country no better off at all.

I am not the most inteligent of people and all of this is just my opinion so if i have any of this wrong please feel free to correct me, rant over :flower: xx
Totally agree hun!! I know it's sad about the floods and everything else that happens around the world but the prime minister/goverment always sends s**t loads of money to help with aid but so does all the other countries! It's like they do it just to compete who can give the most!!! They seriously need to sort this country out first!!!
yeah I can totally see your point. I give to charity too, but only when I can afford it, and I think its fair to say, right now, we cant afford it. Charity begins at home, aparently!
I agree!! Where have the government just 'found' this 10 million quid!?

Ps it's Pakistan not Afghanistan :)
from my experience today, I think they mustve fired a load of taxcredit call centre employees to afford it :lol:
from my experience today, I think they mustve fired a load of taxcredit call centre employees to afford it :lol:

Hahahahahaaa! :rofl: You've really got it in for the Tax Credits office haven't ya?! lol!

I say TOON for PM!!! :thumbup:
and half the jobs over her goes to people that dont come from here ive looked every day to get a job that fits around chris jobs and cant find any not even a cleaning job ive never been on benifits b4 i was in the army for 3 years a work for most of my like and all our country does is send money abroad and were in a recession how and where did they find the money, apparently most employers rounder will hire people from abroad coz there cheaper to pay but in fact they pay more for them to wor coz they give them extra money to send abroad ithink people should live in the country they were born in weather or not theres a war im sure theyd make a run for it if we ended up getting bomb and had war over here and the who equal rights to housing isnt true either the local authority swear by equal opportunities or whatever it is but i see that more people get proirity than others fair enuff the homeless is more in need of shelter but at the end of the day do they tell the truth how they become homeless i think about 80 % of the homeless is intentially then live out on the street to get some where to stay while people with alcohol and drugs problem get more priority that people with kids that struggle to find somewhere this country is all gone to put and i thin its all because of tony blair sorry for the rant im not trying to upset people but i think th country is run wrong sorry
Lol in a nut shell!! I hate the way our money is being used for things like that. Their own country should be funding that. And Pakistan!!!! The ones that like to bomb us. No offence to any pakistanis that haven't bombed us. Lol. And I read in the paper the other day prince William has alone used 1.5 million of tax payers money to have his own cottage so he doesn't have to stat wherever he's meant to be staying. Rediculous! I hate the fact that all my tax (I work a lot and always have done) goes on wasted things like that. X
i just think that there should be equal rights for jobs and stuff i also think everything should be done thru the right channels
and half the jobs over her goes to people that dont come from here ive looked every day to get a job that fits around chris jobs and cant find any not even a cleaning job ive never been on benifits b4 i was in the army for 3 years a work for most of my like and all our country does is send money abroad and were in a recession how and where did they find the money, apparently most employers rounder will hire people from abroad coz there cheaper to pay but in fact they pay more for them to wor coz they give them extra money to send abroad ithink people should live in the country they were born in weather or not theres a war im sure theyd make a run for it if we ended up getting bomb and had war over here and the who equal rights to housing isnt true either the local authority swear by equal opportunities or whatever it is but i see that more people get proirity than others fair enuff the homeless is more in need of shelter but at the end of the day do they tell the truth how they become homeless i think about 80 % of the homeless is intentially then live out on the street to get some where to stay while people with alcohol and drugs problem get more priority that people with kids that struggle to find somewhere this country is all gone to put and i thin its all because of tony blair sorry for the rant im not trying to upset people but i think th country is run wrong sorry

why doesn't ''your'' country bring it's troops home from afghanistan? i think they would save a few quid there eh? ;)
i mean,it' been 6 ..7 years? how much money has there been thrown away?

no doubt they send money to 'help' other countries in need, but lets see how long it will take afgan peope to stand on their feet .. 100 ...200 years? 300 years?

i'm just so surprised to see how you are all afected by thing sthey do to cover your eyes with stupid things so they can get on doing what they wished to do in the first place.
tax payers money is thrown away on single mums,benefit fraud ...whatever,tax payers money is thrown away on lost lives and thats the biggest financial issue this country has.

lets be honest .. how many voted for david cameron because he said hed stop foreigners and cut down on their privilages?
do you honestly think he'd do that? hahaha he has milions of polish people working like little ants in the lowest shitest paid jobs anyone could imagine.

you want a job? i have one for you,you can start tomorrow if you wished.

you can work with my sil. she works in minus 10C making freezer food and did that until the day she gave birth. she got 4 ph

you can sure as hell get a shit job if you're foreign,you're right .. but take my mum for example.
FOREIGN,48 AND WITH A DEGREE? now thats where the real thing is ..noone needs her because noone wants her at the front desk. they fill their 'equal opportuinity' with a black person because it's obvious ''see, we're not racist'' but when it comes to real well paid jobs there are none for foreigners,so you don't need to worry too much ;)
yes i see your point aswell but it wasnt david cameron that sent troops aboroad it was tony blair coz he copied of george bush if we pull out and the troops come home then well ended up getting bomb then the world everywhere would ended up in war. like the girls above im also for helping charities but shouldnt money be going to get the uk out of the recession i even read some where that germany offered money to the uk to go to the people that on benifits and start giving clothing coupons out to the ones on benifit.i was on income support just b4 amy was born but that was only coz i was living in a different room than chris and they didnt class us as a couple. i always give to charity even when ive got a mast pound in my pocet but what do they do for us when we have floods yes there not as bad as what they get but the goverment should help them out too. i know what its like ove in iraq and afghan ive been ther for a year in the army and trust me its not a pretty site
must jobs now a days wont take people on qualified as they lie to train who ever they employ up on there own i went in for a customer service job a few month a go and they wont take me on coz i was to qualified for them i have a nvq level 2 customer service although on the job description it sed any person can apply but as soon as they seen my certificate they turned me down they sed to me that i had all the things that they were looking for but it turned out i was to qualified for them and they wanted someone they could train for the level 2 then them to progress i think that even if youve got the qualifications that they want you should be able to get that job and work to next level or do refresh courses
i know it's not a pretty site,i spent my childhood living in war(s).

and you're right it wasn't david cameron, but how long did it take him to freeze child benefit and cut tax credits? 3hrs? if he didn't agree with it he could've focused on that before focusing on lowest paid families in the uk and taking literally pennies away from them.

david cameron will do what his party has always done,take from poor give to rich, he just needed something to help him get the votes,and 'send foreigners home' speech helped him get it.
in reality,he needs them ..because lets face it,how many of you would work in recycling center separating shitty nappies,tampons and cardboard for 3-4 pounds ph? (my pound sign is not working) working outside in rain and snow.. not many i'm afraid.
yeah i here what your saying but i think the rich ie singer and footballers and celebs should also contribute to helping abroad and charities those in highly paid jobs dont really do much how do they get paid where does the money come from aswell its weird how countries work im not trying to cause an arguement ive worked in those conditions b4 and no its not nice and not many will its hard to do.
i agree,tbh im not really bothered by this stuff at all.
not much of it concerns me. i dont work so pay no tax, i dont get benefits, im foreign lol i dont have a ''home'' ..world is my place :D
i love the freedom,i can live wherever i want ..im like a gypsy! :)

the only thing that bothers me is wars,i hate the fact that innocent children die,but everything else apart from that is not of my concern.

unfortunately,everything revlves around wars and these 'credit crunch' periods will pass.. we are lucky to be living in peace.
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And I read in the paper the other day prince William has alone used 1.5 million of tax payers money to have his own cottage so he doesn't have to stat wherever he's meant to be staying.

yep when youre in the forces you get offered accomodation on the base but you dont have to stay there. If you choose to stay somewhere else you dont get any help towards accomodation costs so I dont see why William should. Its fair enough, everyone has the right to choose whether they live on base or not. But when my family chose to live off base and the recession of the early 90s hit, we didnt get any help.

I think its slightly more complicated with Prince William in that security is an issue, but honestly, where better to live than on an army base! I was allowed to play out from a very young age cos there were armed guards on the perimeter, its a very safe place!

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