Whats this???????


Well-Known Member
Jan 25, 2010
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I was being nosey and looking in blue file and theres a load of scan pics from my 20wks scan in there of different parts of the babies body, head, legs belly etc, then i came across this one and im not sure? it looks to me and o/h like the babies belly and the legs come out the side, i.e in between my babies legs? as i stayed team yellow i dont know the sex dose anybody else think this look like anything or am i just seeing things lol
Yeah i think the position you mention is right, not sure about in between the legs i think they look from undrerneath to find out sex. x
ok so you prob cant see anything from the angle anyways thats ok then lol my o/h was like it has to be a girl theres nowt there lol
Those look to me like they could be the kidneys!!! Certainly something they look for to measure at 20 week scan! Certainly looks like it's a 'deeper' part of the scan to be able to pick up genitalia.
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They definately have to be looking from the feet end to work out the sex as its all very much underneath! Looks like probably babies bladder or something like that. I dont think they can tell the sex without properly looking for it so chances of seeing by accident are very slim and doubt youd be able to see anything unless they were looking in exactly the right place at exactly the right frequancy! xxx

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