whats this rash *photos included* updated 1st post


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2007
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its the measles :( hes even worse for them today and they have gone all measle like :(
hes got a runny nose and slight cough aswell now so hoping it will pass fairly quickly,
ive been told ive not had them so am hoping i dont get them
thanks all for your help

for the past 4 days thomas has had this rash and its not getting any better, it started with a bit of nappy rash but now its really bad,
i think tesco's nappies gave him the nappy rash ive now switched back to asda but could it of done this?
he has had a few new jars aswell things like fish but surly if hes not eating the food now the rash should go?
hes not unwell or have a temp, ive not got a new dr yet an our old one is a trek so dont want to go if its nothing really,
any help would be great thanks




Not sure hun but i would get him checked out by your GP as soon as poss.Is he ok in himself?
As its Sunday i would deffinately ring my out of hours doctor (emergency docs) and get an appointment today. Better to be safe :) xx
ive had a look online and measles come with a cold and unwellness whereas he is perfectly fine :?
cant get to the out of hours dr as we live even farther from it now :(
will go if he starts getting unwell or a temp though
will get him in the dr's tomorrow see what they say, thought it might of been chicken pox as my mums a carrier but the spot aint right for that
thanks all
He may just have a very mild form of measles or Roseola. Check the glands in his neck to see if they're up hun.

If not, perhaps it's a reaction to something. Have you changed your washing powder brand perhaps?

Hope he's OK. Hope you're doing OK too hun :hug: :hug:
its the measles :( weird as hes only just started getting ill
just been informed that ive not had them and ive been kissing him
fingers crossed i wont get them :(
oh Lordy, poor Thomas!! Bless you both you've had it rough over the past few months!! :hug: :hug: bigh hugs for you both and hope you dont get it xxxxxxx

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