whats the rush?!


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2006
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my parents, bless them- theyre so gr8 with millie, but why o why must they feed her tea and spicey things? :|

fair enough, its decaf tea and the spicey things are actual baby food jars (i think by heinz or something- like a chicken chasseur and a baby mild beef chilli or summit?) but isnt there enough time for things like that later in life?

i mean, TEA?!?!? i kno i myself LOVE my tea but i didnt start drinking it until i was 21- its a VERY grown-up drink, isnt it? i would even think it was a bit weird for a teenager to be drinking tea, let alone a child, or a BABY!

they say its because she's "so interested in it when we're drinking it and tries to grab the cup", yes- she does that with everything tho! :wall: :lol:

*sigh* lol idk i suppose theres nothing wrong with it, its not like they feeding her chocolate or chinese takeaways or pies or anything tehe but she's got such a grown-up palate already, i just dont see the need!
i never used to drink tea at home, but it was always a treat at my nans! i used to love sitting with my nan drinking half a cup of tea!! but then i was a bit older.

Alice may have the odd bit of mine if she is moaning for my cup.

as for spicy things, my alice loves a curry!!! she eats whatever we eat, so i don't worry too much - i have yet to find something she won't eat!!

If it bothers you, tell them. your her mum, and im sure they will understand that you don't like her having tea. :hug:

well done though! in my opinion, better babies be happy to try everything, than refuse everything!
Hey trixi,

I agree about the tea, I think she's too young for that (although there's no caffeine in decaff tea, I believe it still contains tannin and other stuff). However, I think curries/chillis/foods with lots of flavours etc are a good idea, its great for Millie to develop a wide palate at the moment, then she's less likely to be a fussy eater when she's a bit older.

Valentine Xxx
Valentine has got it spot on about tea! tannin is fine for adults, but what tannin does if you dont know is that it absorbs iron, so not good for a baby really.

Can you just not have a word and say please dont for health reasons and explian why. Im sure your parents wouldnt mind :D

Im not sure about the curry! i gave immy baby curry once and she didnt like it at all - thrn im not good with spicey food either though.
My mums the same over the tea thing. I know mine are older but I still wouldn't give them tea. Nathan won't drink anything other than milk at all and she thinks tea is the answer to my problems :roll: We were always given tea in a bottle as babies but with 2 sugars in but I think that was more on my nans advice. I'm quite happy to keep giving him milk for all his drinks, its gotta be better than tea.
Isaac's Grandma thinks he's older than he is I think, and she's always asking about if he's hungry, what shall we make him, I think its a Grandparent thing to 'fill them up' and 'it never hurt me in my day', but usually with 'bad' foods and drink :roll: Just suggest Fennel teabags for Millie, or baby fruit tea, if they make that? It's tricky but she's your baby and you should bring it up if its bothering you, they will understand :hug:
My nephew always asks for a coffee (as his dad drinks it), so we just pretend his milk is coffee - he's non the wiser but feels grown up at the same time!

If the curry etc is a baby one then i think its fine and does encourage a wider palette. If it was a curry from the local takeaway then that would be a completely different matter! But if you're unhappy with it then you should speak to your parents - she's your daughter and what she eats and drinks is up to you.
I'm not sure I'd give a baby tea, it's better for babies and toddlers not to have caffeine I reckon, but I definitely don't think it's a very grown up drink.
I can't even remember when I started drinking tea. Certainly I remember drinking it when I was about 5, so I would have been younger than that when I started drinking it. I've just always drank tea.

As for the spicy food, well they are in baby jars meant for babies. I don't see what's wrong with that either.

Maybe I'm just weird but there we go.
If I had a vodka shot in my hand Ryan would try to grab it... doesn't mean I would give him it :lol:

Nah, I wouldn't let him drink tea, decaff or otherwise, til he's older. He doesn't need it so why give him it.

As for the spicy foods, he likes 'em. He loves the baby vegetable curry from Heinz and the other day we had Spanish Chicken for tea and I tried him on some and he loved it :)
Xena said:
but I definitely don't think it's a very grown up drink.
I can't even remember when I started drinking tea. Certainly I remember drinking it when I was about 5, so I would have been younger than that when I started drinking it. I've just always drank tea.

As for the spicy food, well they are in baby jars meant for babies. I don't see what's wrong with that either.

Maybe I'm just weird but there we go.

Ditto, maybe its a Yorkshire thing LMAO....
I wouldnt worry about the tea as long as shes not having sugar in it you'd be suprised how popular it is to drink for little ones. I work in a nursery and a hell of a lot of the parents bring their children in suckin on a bottle of tea!!

And i think its a good idea with the different foods. at least she wont be fussy when shes older! think of it this way its better to have a winge that shes eating unusual foods then turning her nose up at everything apart from junk food!!
I was very young when I started drinking tea - but it had about 3 sugars in it, then my Mum weaned me off. I wouldn't give Ella tea at a young age though, it is a very grown up drink, I agree. I don't see the point?
Our HV told me not to give him tea as it can prevent iron being absorbed.

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