whats the next move?


Apr 25, 2011
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Hi everyone,

Im totally new to this forum, in fact I've never joined a forum before but after hunting the internet for answers I thought I'd see if anyone here could help point me in the right direction.

I've been ttc for a little while now with no luck. I have a long and irregular cycle av 39 days (last period was 1/3/11) as I dont have a regular cycle I've been using opks. I got a positive opk on the 7th of April and since then I have had no signs of anything.
I'm currently on day 55 of my cycle which is the longest its ever been and I'm not sure what to do next. I took 2 hpt on 17th and 20th both negative:sad: so I guess thats game over this time but what now?

I feel like I'm just sitting around waiting for a new cycle so I can try again. Any advice? Thanks in advance
Hi Vegas, welcome to the forum :)

If it was me, i'd still be taking the OPKs just incase you are actually on a separate cycle but didn't actually have a bleed when you were due one.

You might get another surge.

Besides that i'd just suggest going to speak to your doctor because it does sound like PCOS. I'm no expert but PCOS and Endometriosis are the two main conditions that effect female fertility.

Then it is just a waiting game i'm afraid, but if you can get diagnosed for something then at least you can start to treat it :hug:
Thanks for replying Louise.
I actually went to my doctor not long ago she told me that even though weve been trying for 18mths and I've had irregular cycles all my life she wont refer me for any tests as Im under 30!! (I'm 28) She basically said go away and keep having sex. v. frustrating. Ill keep going with the opks though. Thanks
Are you in the UK?

She can't do that...

There are no age restriction on diagnostics :eh: What if it turns out that you can't conceive because you have something fatally wrong with you?! I mean, i'm sure you don't, but you know what i mean :)
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Dr advised me to send my hubby to his dr to test him for any problems which we did and his dr said that they wouldnt normally do anything until I'd been tested. Kinda hit a brick wall. :wall2: Felt a bit akward and dismissed so havent been back yet.
oops sorry just saw the bit at the top, Yes I am in the UK
Ah i thought with the "Vegas" that you might be from the US :)

It's a lack of communication then, if each of your doctors is saying conflicting things.

I think you are better off going to see the same doctor together at the same time and discussing it as a couple, then the same doctor can either send you off for tests or hubby depending on what they previously said.
Hey Vegas,

I'd go back to GP - unfair of them to say that because you're under thirty they won't refer you. As you have been trying for 18 months with no luck and irregular and long cycles they should have you checked out. Think you should try and see a nurse at your GP's if you don't wanna see the GP again - and I'd say put your foot down and insist on being reffered.

x x

P.S. As Louise said continue with the OPK's - get some cheapies of the internet so you're not spending a fortune!!

Good Luck!!
And Vegas - I LOVE Vegas as you can see from my avatar lolol :)
Thanks again Louise.
I keep hoping that BFP is just round the corner so we've been a bit timid about pushing for help but we def need to be a bit more forceful.

I love Vegas too!! I was married there last year. One of the best citys on earth. :)
I went to Vegas with my hubby a few years ago - i didn't know they gave you free drinks in the casinos and me and hubby got so wasted that we had to spend a whole day in bed with intervals of puking :whistle:

I think you need to have a lot of money and really enjoy gambling to make the most of it, i think 5 days there was too much for me :)
With so much to do for the wedding we didn't get much time to gamble but it's an incredible place to see the hotels are insane. We were there for nine days and I'm sure we missed things. It would be nice to go back one day but not sure it's a family place though :)

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