Whats the deal with Juice/squash (not milk basically)


Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2007
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As the title says really, whats the deal wit hgiving babies juice or squash?

I know Tally is too young to have anything other then milk at the moment but i'm trying to swot up for when she needs more food.

The plan is to introduce her first ever solids on christmas day by giving her some baby rice at lunch (plus it gives me a month off uni to get her settled with solids before she goes back to the childminder), however we've been sitting her with us when we eat from day one in the hope that when it came to weaning she'd want to do it and we can have a go at baby led weaning. However it's working a little too well, she's already trying to take our food and always tries to drink squash from our cups. We've let her taste it (not drink it) and she was trying to get more, however i've read different things on giving babies squash as i've heard it can trick them in to thinking they're full when they're not.

I know she's not ready for weaning yet, she's not upped her feeds and is still sleeping throug the night but i'm wondering if it'd be ok to let her have a small amount of juice or something at some point. (i desperately need some sort of weaning book, as someone who like to be prepared i'm freaking out about being clueless on the subject lol)
It's best to stick to water in all honesty, and if you do want to give her juice you can either buy the baby juice (which can be expensive!) or REALLY water down fresh fruit juice (not the concentrate stuff!). The likes of squash is full of sugar and all the other rubbish that can damage bubbas teeth etc.
Water's even easier than squash and it's better to establish a water drinking habit whilst they're tiny. Stanley refused juice until very recently because he loves his water. Just as well, he drinks so much :lol:
I am sticking with water at the moment, which i am offering with her meals.
I dont plan on giving any juice/squash as water is free :D and she wont miss what she has never had.
She seems happy enough with water :D
like charlie, i don't give connor any juice/squash cos he won't miss what he's never tried. i'm just sticking with water and booby milk cos they're both free :lol: :lol:
Thing ive noticed with some young children and juice is they get addicted to it for want of a better word, wanting more as soon as the beaker goes empty, my step son is like this and ive really got to limit the amout of juice he gets as he would fill up on it rather than eat his dinner
Minxy said:
Water's even easier than squash and it's better to establish a water drinking habit whilst they're tiny. Stanley refused juice until very recently because he loves his water. Just as well, he drinks so much :lol:
Roxy's like this, she always turns her nose up at juice - prefers water.

Molly loves whatever Daddy happens to be drinking (Daddy's girl)and Chloe has started asking for cups of tea, not that she gets them from me (I swear she thinks she 16, not 6) :lol:

I'd always start on water before juice, but I'd only give it to a baby who wasn't weaning if it was very hot weather. I'd stick with milk only for now, no point complicating things before you have to!
I'm really naughty and give Angel juice. But i really struggle to get any fluids in her except booby juice!!! She'll rarely drink anything out of the beaker. Juice or water.
I think boots do some baby flavoured waters in with the baby food section.. have a look at their age range (I can't remember what it is on them) but they're like 50p each so you won't wanna be using them all the time.

Also it's recommended to drink juice/squash from a beaker as opposed to a bottle (something to do with teeth decay I think) so if she'll not get the hang of a beaker you're probably best off with just water.

Saying that tho I gave Ryan squash as soon as he was old enough to 'get' a beaker and still do, but he doesn't seem to prefer it (or not prefer it) over water, he'll just drink whatever is in his beaker.
For breast fed babies...the water content in the milk is enough to sustain them :) So they don't actually need water just regular breast feeds... :) Once they are on solids water is good to help things got through better.

Squash is full of crap. Its things like e numbers which can cause your child to become hyper. It is also loaded with sugar, which is bad for their teeth and the sugar free versions have aspartame in them which has been linked to cancer. Don't ever put it in a bottle.. it does rot their teeth....


Tbh its just best to avoid it all together... If you are having probs getting water into them... get a pure fruit juice like apple and dilute it down, then reduce the amount of juice adding more water till there is only water left. Thats how I did it with Tia... only we used cranberry juice as she had a urine infection.

If they get a taste of the forbidden fruit you are in trouble :rotfl: Tia left her drink carton out yesterday and lil miss got it... she's been a nightmare today with drinking... :roll:
we give holly water and juice. We only give juice with her meals and even then it is baby juice whic we water down even further. We were really struggling to get her to drink anything so we caved! She'll drink water now through the day as well so it worked for us
I introduced a cup (not the 'no spill type') with cooled boiled water at four months as suggested by HV just so he gets to explore the idea of the cup really. I think it's only in the past couple of weeks I can definitely say he's managing to drink some.

I'm with the other girls though on the water - juice matter. Better to introduce juices well after little one is established with water.
I agree with the others, we haven't given juice YET. ALthough LO will not drink water so I may give in and give her a touch of fresh juice with her water just to get something other than milk into her (she is bottle fed too)

I can recommend Annabel Karmel books to help if you feel a bit clueless - but she doesn't advocate BLW so they are very puree based until the 9 month section (I have just been using the recipes from that section).

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