Juice before food?


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2005
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I am now weaning Phoebe.

Its taken me about 3weeks to find a juice that she likes. Finally settled on Heinz Pear juice!!
So she now has baby rice or porridge for breakie with a bottle, mixed veg or something along those lines for lunch with juice and a yoghurt or fruit for tea with a bottle. She also has her first and last bottle without food.
So 4 bottles a day plus juice.

Only problem being, she wont eat her mush at lunchtime until she has drank her juice (6oz) so often leaves rather a lot of her food. She only has about an oz of food in the first place (would go up to the oz line if you put it in a bottle!)

Is this nothing to worry about if she isn't whinging between feeds etc? Or is it a habit I really need to change now?

With all her other feeds she has the mush before the bottle of milk with no fuss.
Have you tried giving her the juice little and often?

Brody has a few sips of juice every time I offer it to him. I wouldn't like him filling upon juice, 6oz sounds like a lot. What about giving it to her 1 hour before food?

If she's set doing this, I wouldn't worry about it too much, as long as she's eating the rest and putting on weight. Sooner or later it's a habit you or her will have to break, but she might break it on her own. How about just offering 4 or 5 oz? or does she still moan?

It's a tough one isn't it!?

Am I doing something wrong then :think:

Maybe I am being dumb here but are you not supposed to replace that bottle with juice? :?

I actually thought 6oz wasn't that much!! Except normally they would have their food before their juice so they don't fill up on juice.

How are you doing it then Urchin? You have more experience than me :lol:

She won't take little and often and I thought doing it that way might fill her up before her milk which is obviously still her most important source of food. :think:

Baffled BubbleOne :doh:
BubbleOne said:
Am I doing something wrong then :think:

No of course not! We just do it differently!

Maybe I am being dumb here but are you not supposed to replace that bottle with juice? :?
I never have, but that doesn't mean I'm doing it right and you're doing it wrong. :)

How are you doing it then Urchin?
I fill up his cup, carry it with me and offer it to him once in a while. He only sips at it though, but if phoebe is thirstier than him that's OK Mason was very thirsty too.

Hmmm Lets wait and see how other people are doing it hehe
I've been thinking about this and it sounds like she might be drinking all the juice because she's hungry. She's used to getting nutrition from the liquid milk so maybe she's trying to fill her tummy up with the juice?
In which case I would personally cut right back on the juice till she's had her solids.
wouldnt phoebe have water instead. Joshua never liked the juice, only had water and then he tended not to fill up on it.
Davina - She really isn't keen on water.

Urchin - Thanks for thinking about my wee problem!!

Today I gave her an oz of juice so she got the flavour and then I gave her the solids and then the rest of the juice. She still drank all 6oz but I'm fine with that. Keep her nice and hydrated. :lol:

I'm interested to know what every one else is doing when it comes to dropping a bottle for juice. :think:

Urchin are you giving Brody just mush for one of his mealtimes then without the juice? And letting him have juice little and often throughout the day? Or is he still having milk at every feed?
Brody is still breastfed, but I always offer boob first, (he only ever has about 5 mins feed though) then dinner, sips of juice, pudding.
I'm not ready to stop offering him boob yet, but that's mainly because I worry he's not getting enough anyway.

I fill a cup up in the morning and offer it to him as and when, changing to a fresh cup for afternoon.
Ive never dropped a bottle for juice?! my HV said that his milk is most important and to offer juice (sips through beaker) with meals and throughout the day
jamie has his juice in a beaker which he sips throughout the day, so all in all has about a beaker of juice a day!

Interested in what other people do thou?! :think:
See I was told that when you start weaning properly (Phoebe has breakie, lunch and tea now) that you should drop from 5 to 4 bottles in 24hrs. :think:
:think: my HV said once they are fully weaned they should be on 3 bottles and 3 meals a day with a beaker of jice offered with meals and in between feeds?! :think:
Rubie only has 4 bottles and she isn't having any solids :? :?

Mind you they are BIG bottles lol
So Steph what is your feeding routine with Jamie? From when he gets up to when he goes to bed?
well hes being a little monkey with bottles and prefers his food! hes on follow on milk so he usually has 2/3oz of a bottle then i try to mix in some with his food, so i offer a bottle first then give solids, roughly 8-8.30ish, 12-30-1ish, then tea around 5 he goes bed between 7-7.30 and has an extra bottle as a top up! :lol: he only has about 2/3oz thou! i make up a beaker of juice and he has a few sips with meals and throughout the day in between meals. then he sleeps all night until 7.30-8ish and off we go again!!! lol

Ok that sounds confusing i think ive confused myself!!! :lol: :lol:
I understand!! lol.

Phoebe has:
7amish- 5-6oz milk.
10amish- Half a jar of porridge or something similar and 4-5oz milk.
1pmish- mixed veg or something similar and 6oz juice.
4pmish- a fromage frais yoghurt or mushed fruit with 4-5oz milk.
7pmish- 5oz of milk.
Sleeps through until about 6.30am.

Does that sound normal?
BubbleOne said:
See I was told that when you start weaning properly (Phoebe has breakie, lunch and tea now) that you should drop from 5 to 4 bottles in 24hrs. :think:

Brody also has 3 meals but also remember that "weaning" properly when you start to give less milk is really for when they are over 6 months.
BubbleOne said:
I understand!! lol.

Phoebe has:
7amish- 5-6oz milk.
10amish- Half a jar of porridge or something similar and 4-5oz milk.
1pmish- mixed veg or something similar and 6oz juice.
4pmish- a fromage frais yoghurt or mushed fruit with 4-5oz milk.
7pmish- 5oz of milk.
Sleeps through until about 6.30am.

Does that sound normal?

That's similar to Brody, except I don't know how much milk he has and he will normally have a dinner and a pudding :) Plus he's a bit later for his tea and to bed.
Bloody hard work this baby malarky!!

Might skip this bit and just give her roast dinners and a nice brew :wink:
think yourself lucky. I have not had more than 4 hours sleep in one go since i had liam. the little horror just wakes between 2 - 4 hours. i am knackered.
urchin said:
BubbleOne said:
I understand!! lol.

Phoebe has:
7amish- 5-6oz milk.
10amish- Half a jar of porridge or something similar and 4-5oz milk.
1pmish- mixed veg or something similar and 6oz juice.
4pmish- a fromage frais yoghurt or mushed fruit with 4-5oz milk.
7pmish- 5oz of milk.
Sleeps through until about 6.30am.

Does that sound normal?

That's similar to Brody, except I don't know how much milk he has and he will normally have a dinner and a pudding :) Plus he's a bit later for his tea and to bed.

Eeek sorry just read read that and Brody does NOT sleep through! the meals etc is what I was referring to LOL

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