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Whats Happening!!??!!

Hi everyone!

Did not even see this thread, that's how tired I have been lately! sorry!!!!

well, as Lisa said, I have been experiencing the same pattern, more or less. The only thing that will work for Maheen is her bouncer!!! she is sleeping in it right now! I can see her touching her ear, or rubbing her eyes all the time, but she won't go to sleep if I put her down in her cot or even anywhere flat! It's only at night that she can go to sleep, tightly swaddled in her blanket!!! But she will still grizzle!!!
And the last 2 nights, she has been waking up more often at night, though we went from 120ml to 180ml in roughly a week!!!!

not sure what's happening, maybe she is growing?
Also, she is contantly tring to suck her wrists!!!! but because we give her a dummy, I keep on taking it off her mouth! can't have both!!!!!!!! :wink:

Mel xx
Charlotte is doing pretty well, we have finally got her to take bottles every now and then, and we persevered with the soy milk and she likes it and isnt too sick with it, i have reqad that Wysoy shouldnt be prescribed but my GP did :roll: I am still BF her, and a bottle of soya once a day, she's now taking about 90-100 mls LOL, she's getting there! I went back to work, but now not back at work...long story! Got another 3 weeks left before i go back.
Charlie is in her cot now and sleeping from around 10-10.30 til about 3 or 4, then til 7 when OH gets up we then doze in bed til about 9! so i cant really moan. During the night feed she keeps falling asleep on my boob, but when i put her down she cries with her fist in, so i feed her some more, and she does the same. Any ideas how i can make her take enough milk all in one go instead of messing around???
I cant get her to have a dream feed at all, i tried again last night at about 12, but she is too sleepy!
Mel it sounds like maheen is growing!! 180 mls, that fab, what a girl!
Lisa i think its really important to be out and about, i really dont know what to suggest for the over tiredness. Charlie settles really well on an evening, but not til about 10ish, sometimes earlier but she is still cluster feeding all night from about 7 -10. when i put her down i pop on her CD player and her lullabys, and she seems to like that. When i put her down i always take my hand from her head away, but leave my other hand under her bum and keep tapping it gently, then slowly move it away.
OHHHHH god ive rambled on about a lot of nothing, im really sorry, LOL. Hope your all getting on ok? xx
lol Hels - you havent rambled on - any advice is much appreciated! I wish Heidi would go bed well. She does if she has napped well in the day. But if we have been out and about it really messes things up. We have been trying to get her to sleep for 5.5 hours now - I think we are all over tired.

Keep thinking about getting the Gina Ford book out again but all it does is frustrate me when something happens that means all the timings go awol :roll:

L x
Hey there lisa frankie isnt much bettter and im so tired through lack of sleep with her waking so frequently in the night and pretty much is the same during the day but it all depends with her really im a my whitsend sometimes trying to think what i can do for her??? :(
Yeah Flossy, it starts to drain you doesnt it!? Our biggest problem is getting Heidi to drop off to sleep. D/H has been upstairs now near on 3 hours trying to get her to drop off.

If we leave her she screams and screams and gets herself into right state. I know it sounds awful - but I dont mind leaving her but is she too young to be left to cry until she eventually falls asleep??!!!. I have gone back to rocking / cuddling her back to sleep but I know I am making it worse for us in the long run.

My Mum is looking after her all day tommorow - which means she wont get to nap properly which means that tommorow night is going to be awful. I dunno I have absoulty no idea what to do.

I wish i could get someone (who knows what they are doing) and teach me what and what I cant do for her at this age and to check that what I am doing is right. She is even starting not to drop off on her own in the day and she always used to

????..........................No idea?................................

L x
HI Lisa,

I am so sorry to hear it's not improving!!! :cry: I wish I could help!
You know Maheen has improved and even slept through twice, I can only tell you what I have done with her...

you know she was always crying and grizzling during the day, si I have put her in different rooms, trying to change the content of her days, I though she might just be bored and was trying to get some attention! so once i took her upstairs, in our room, another day, in the kitchen, and on the floor on a blanket in the leaving room, and now, I spend at least half an hour playing with her, making her pedal, trying to educate her different senses.
I don't know if that has helped with the crying, but I can tell you it has definitely helped with the bonding! Maheen used to prefer being with her dad (which caused me to feel really down for some time!), and now, she is always looking for me, even when she is in someone else's arms. She smiles at me all the time, and even tries to speak!
The other thing i have done is to increase the quantity of her feeds, I think she was hungry! and go from tit nnber 1 to nber 2 from avent.

That's all...well, and we leave her more in her bouncer now, so that she can sleep a bit during the day (she hates being flat if it's not to play otherwise!!!)
At night, she knows when we expect her to sleep because she is swaddled and has her music teddybear.

I am not sure whether this ramble can help...I really hope Heidi can give you a better time!
I know you said Heidi is too small to be left crying...I understand and you are probably right, but we left Maheen cry for more than one hour the other day, she was just fussing, there was nothing wrong, she just wanted our attention, so we kept on speaking to her and showing our face but we did not pick her up or put her in her bouncer. .. She finally stopped by herself, and the it was time for her feed, anyway!
sending you good vibes,
Mel xx
ah, forgot to add one thing: we are taking Maheen to an osteopath on the 6th of May as well, to do a "cranial osteopathy" session. I had some myself for my back and it's great stuff. They feel very softly the head and can feel and release some tension, and work on the digestion system, or help with the sleep, etc... my cousin in France has taken her 1 month and a half son to one, because she was not getting him to sleep at all during the night, and 2 nights later, he slept through!!! :shock:
I hope Maheen can benefit as much!
Maybe you could look into this? it's £38 pounds for the 1st session and then £25 for any other...it's expensive but might be really worth it!?
Take care,
mel xx
I really do feel for you Lisa, I know how bad it can be & it really sounds that your being tested to the limit.
We had excatly the same prob with Aimee, like alot of other mummys on here... believe me you will get through it.
I think some babies are def worse than others & Aimee still is not an evening baby & grizzles for a couple of hours in the early evening then has a right paddy before bed. Some babies fight sleep more & cant get to sleep as easy. Aimee started to improve at about 8 weeks & compared to the early weeks is a little star now. When she is actually put down in her cot to sleep she's off within half hour instead of the crying all night (so there is light at the end of the tunnel). She made most of the improvements herself so dont really know what you can do but must say as soon as we stopped laying her down in her moses basket in with us & put her in a quiet room or her room on her own she stared to go to sleep quicker and easier. I dont know where people get this 6 week thing from :shakehead: rubbish ! it makes you feel worse because you think things should be better.
It really is nothing you are doing wrong. I personally wouldnt leave her to cry more than 5mins as they are crying because its there only form of communication & apprantly the more they are left the less they trust you and the more they will cry... I am not a very patient person but my hubbie is very laid back & says to me to tell yourself that they are not crying to annoy you or p*ss you off they just want your help & I actually find it easier.
Why dont you try the baby whisperer solves all your problems by tracy hogg... i found it really helped me understand & is much less regimented than Gina ford.
Anyway, im going on now...good luck
Aww thanks girls - its nice to know that it may get better!???!!!

This is what Ive just written in another topic: -

We had another crap night again. From 6.00pm after her 6.00pm feed Heidi wouldnt settle - she was awake and crying up till 1.00 this morning. Between us we must of got up to settle her in her cot about 15 times from the time we went to bed, until in the end we fell asleep and she must of as well.

I think she would be sleeping through if she would only settle down, because after she eventually fell asleep at around what must of been 1.30am she slept straight through till 6.30am.

But what I was going to say, was that I think she wants to sleep on her side because when D/H went in to do his turn in settling her down he put her on her side and she almost straight away settled down. Of course he came back into our room and I asked him what he had done and he told me, so I was like "No, she's not allowed to sleep on her side" cos I thought they recommend they sleep on their backs.

My problem, like all of you I imagine, is that i am totally paranoid about cot death and so even if she prefers sleeping on her side i darent let her in case something happens - alhtough D/H wants me to give it a try tonight.
Hi Lisa,

I am so sorry about this situation, I completely empathise! <<<hugs>>>

When Maheen was around 1 week old, she was suffering from big colics during the day and the only way she would settle down was when she was on the left side! That actually made me think of what they told us when we were pregnant, about sleeping on theleft side as it helps with digestion, and everything! maybe our babies are the same!

I would give it a go as well, you know, if you are worried she might roll over during the night, I think you can buy some sort of cushions which would keep her on her side...
something like this:

Hope she can sleep on the side, tonight, fingers crossed!
Maybe you could spend some time in her room if you are worried?
when Maheen was young and not sleeping during the night, I would sit in her room, in the dark, with my computer on only, and would reassure her every now and then, and put back the dummy in her mouth, coz she would drop it and start crying! I did that for 2 weeks or so, was very draining and tiring but she gradually felt secure and managed to sleep on her own afterwards!
Is there anything which helps her settling down? a music, a sound, a light, a movement, a smell?
Oh Lisa, I so much would like to help!!! maybe try the osteopath?
Let me know how you get on tonight, PM me if you want!
take care,
Mel xx
Hi Melhoney

That is sooo helpful thank you! Those wedges look really good. When I next put Heidi to bed in her cot I am going to try her on her side. And I will probably order one of those. Thank you x :D

She went for her first jabs today and the nurse was a bit funny about Heidi not being in our room (so it has upset me a bit and made me totally paranoid about cot death AGAIN) :roll: - so she is asleep in her bouncer and D/H has just bought the quilt down so I am going to sit it out down here (in case she does get a fever)

This is doing my head in!?! :|

L x
Aww Lisa hun, I totally relate to how you're feeling, these wee lambs are so precious to us and it's understandable that we're worried sick about anything happening to them.

Olivia was a bit crabby at night after her jabs so I gave her 2.5 ml of calpol and she settled quickly after that but that was only 3 hours after she had the jabs so hopefully Heidi wont have a fever now.

Hope you have a good night

Lucy x
Hi Lucy! I'm still here!

Your right about being worried sick - all part of being a mum though I guess.

that was another thing. In the waiting room I was talking to this lovely lady who had a 6-month old girl and she said she gave calpol before the jabs to give it time to kick in. Yet, the nurse said not to use it and to do the following first if Heidi did get a fever:

1. Remove / lossen clothing
2. Sponge down
3. Ring NHS Direct

But she said dont give calpol as their weights are always changing at this age :wall: :wall: :wall:

I should of just ignored her advice and got some calpol anyway. Think I will get some for the next set of jabs. What age can you use it from?

Its nice to hear other people are using it though - so I am going to.

I took some lovely pics of Heidi again - so going to post some (although I think she is waking up now!!!)

L x
:twisted: these nurses!!!!!!!!!

Lisa, you know better than her what Heidi can be like!
Don't worry too much! these little ones are much stronger than we think!
Maheen surpirses me all the time! :wink:

I just replied on the injection thread, but basically MAheen has had her jabs as well yesterday, and just like Lucy said, Maheen has been a bit out of herself for like 3 hours after the injections, crying, being uncomfortable (I would have been as well with 2 injections!!!) and even refused to drink all her feed, but is fine now. She did not have fever either, I had bought Calpol just in case, it's fine to use 2.5ml from 2 months old, so Heidi would be fine. but I am a bit reluctant to give medicine when there is no fever! That's just me, I do't like medicine! And Maheen's little body has fought it really well, anyway!
I am so proud of her!

will go and check your pics, your little Pixie is so cute!
Have taken some pics as well, will try to upload them!
Feed time now! Maheen is not very happy with me typing! :wink:

take care,
Mel xx
Hiya Lisa
My nurse said to give Brody 2.5 of calpol as soon as he had is jabs...not even to wait and see if he got a fever or not!
I waited anyway and he was fine.

Sorry to hear the nights are still rough for you. (((HUG)))
It's really frustrating all the conflicting advice isn't it! :wall: Don't these daft nurses realise we'll be on the forum and find out what other people have been told! :wink:

On my sachets of Calpol (I've got the strawberry flavoured gel sachets) it says they are safe to give from 2 months. I know my nephew had a fever at 4 wks old and the doctor told my SIL to give him a 2.5ml dose so perhaps in some cases under doctor's advice it is safe under 2 months.

How did Heidi sleep Lisa? Did she stay in the bouncer?

Olivia's left leg had a raised bump for a couple of days, this was the tetanus injection and the HV said that's very common.

Hope you're ok

Lucy x
It definately is frustrating. As it was, I phoned MIL (she has been fostering babies for about 20 years) and she said calpol is absolutly fine. The HV recommended it to her, and tell her to give it when neccessary. And the babies under her care sometimes need it when they are in hospital and they are under 2 months.

I tell you, this forum is soooo much more helpful than that lot!

But the brilliant news is.................Heidi slept through!!! – well I think you can class it as sleeping through. What happened was D/H looked after her last night (I usually get Friday Nights off – right through the night, and then all morning until whatever time I wake up – wot a sweetie he is eh!!!). Anyway, he fed her at 10.00pm – she took a while to go sleep but then she slept through till 6.30am!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so I missed her first ‘sleeping through the night’!!!

Its strange cos that was her first night after having Omeno Comfort milk and a bit of calpol due to being a bit off with her injections – so I’m wondering if those two helped!?!!!! I don’t care though cos I am just soooo pleased that my clever girl finally slept through!!

I am a bit of a cheat - I have copied and pasted that last bit as I didnt want to type it again!!!!!

L x
That's funny, when Maheen fiest slept through, it was DH's turn to do the night shift as well!!! :shock:
I am sure these little girls did it on purpose! Real daddies girls! :wink:

Maheen is still kind of sleeping through, it fluctuates between going to bed at 22:10 and waking up between 04:30 and 06:00. That suist me ok, anyway :D

Hope she continues, Lisa! Let us know!
take care, and enjoy your sleep :angel:
Mel xx
Hi Mel

I'm going to do a new post about the current situation cos I end up replying to loads of different threads - so I am going to try and keep the latest news up-do-date on the new one I'm about to do (blimey, that sounds confusing!)

Hope you and Maheen are well :)

L x
Good idea! :wink:

Well, just to answer your question, Maheen is not that well! suffering from a bug, probably in her tummy! she seems constipated and once a day, she would have an explosion and ends up doing one very greenish, smelly liquidish poo!
She is not much herself either, very grizzly again, and it's ahrd work making her smile, whereas she was a very happy bunny for the past 2 weeks or so!
Am seeing a GP tomorrow, hope he will be helpfull!
see you in the other thread then! :D
Mel xx

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