Whats Happening!!??!!


Well-Known Member
Jul 5, 2005
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I wonder if anyone has any idea whats going on in my house at the moment (and I know Melhoney is suffering the same!!!)......

It's really strange with whats happening with Heidi (its really starting to wear me out a bit like the first few weeks!!!! - a typical day is like this:

Usually wakes between 6-7am - have a feed, usually has a nap after this feed until next feed is due. Then we normally go out, where she will sleep for most it! Then after around the 4.00pm feed she will be really grizzly and not settle at all. She wont go in her bouncy chair / playmat - I hold /soothe her for ages and ages and she wriggles around and is all adgitated and rooting around and going red in the face as if she is hungry when she has about another 2 hours to go till she should want feeding again!

D/H gets home around 6.30 he will give her a nice lavender bath and then put her in gro bag and then feed her (all this time still being grizzly) this goes on till about 10-11pm at night till she reluctantly goes sleep (but still grizzling in her sleep) :?

I really dont think it is colic as she is not screaming and bringing her knees up she is just really whingey. Her wind problem has improved since I started using Dentinox instead of Infacol - so I dont think it is that either!!?? :shock:

Spoke to the HV who suggested I use milk for hungrier babies so she has had one feed of that at 8.00 tonight - but that didint make any difference to her settling down??!!! - its now 10 to 11 and she has just gone sleep )been awake since 4.00pm!!?? - surely thats too long for a 6-week old??!)

Any ideas?? my lounge carpet is wearing out due to the walking up and down and the song "teddy bears picnic" is starting to grind LOL LOL!!!

L x
Hey there i seem to be having this same sort of problem with frankie she has been like it for the past couple of days and im wearing myself out trying to think what could be the matter with her as you nothing i seem to do will settle frankie she has her feed and is winded but no sooner than i put her down again and she is screaming again and is the same throughout most of the day even unitl bedtime she has only all of a sudden started to do this and i dont know why myself either? Would be reassuring if anyone could suggest why this is happening for yourself and me??? Sorry i cant help much on this hun. And due to all this i am over exhausted and tired which doesnt really help alot either? :(
Hey flossy - its awful isnt it. Heidi just the same this mornig - she is crying right now. I've done all checks and i have been cuddling her since 7.00 this morning. I really have to go and get her bottles prepared - but she just won't let me leave the room :?

She's rooting and sucking her fists like she's hungry. I fed her less than half an hour ago. :shock: I've tried her with a dummy several times - sometimes she wants it (but only for about 5 minutes then keeps spitting it out) most of the time she refuses it.

How old is Frankie???!!!

Ho well I guess another exhausing day ahead for us both :(

L x
Off the top of my head it sounds like she may be over tired or teething a little. Some babies cope with tiredness really well but other will struggle and fight it.
If she sleeps well in the pushchair how about a walk around the block say an hour before bathtime so she can have a little nap then?
The rooting may also be a sign of tiredness , is she rubbing her eyes at all? As soon as Brody rubs his eyes once I know I have to begin settling him for a nap in case he gets too worked up.
Thanks Urchin

Yeah, I think it may be tiredness - you can almost see her fighting it. At around 7.00pm when I try and put her to bed, we always go to her room and sit with the lights dimmed to quiet down and I can see her blinking her eyes to try and wake herself up lol :roll:

Shes only just over a month so it couldnt be teething could it?! :shock: :shock:

I think i will try the walk round the block before bathtime. Anything is worth a try - I will let you know how it goes.

thanks for the suggestions x

L x
Brody started with a bit of teething really early...they still might not get teeth for months, but remember some babies are born with teeth :shock:

It's more liked to be tiredness though, in my opinion, just keep your eyes open for the signs, and the very first time she rubs her eyes try and settle her in the pushchair or something straight away. If you let her go past "the point of no return" that's when you'll struggle to get her to sleep.

Good luck, let us know how you get on!
urchin said:
Brody started with a bit of teething really early...they still might not get teeth for months, but remember some babies are born with teeth :shock:

Blimey I didnt know that!!??!! :shock:

past "the point of no return" that's when you'll struggle to get her to sleep.

I think I am past the point of no return LOL !!!! I must admit I've never seen her rub her eyes but she does suck her fists - I think the same as you that it must be tiredness. Its hard to get them to stay asleep though (especialy this week - yesterday the HV came and weighed her so of course that woke her up, then today we have to go docs for her 6 week check so that will wake up her up too :? )

Will let you know how tonight goes tho.

L x
lisa31 said:
I must admit I've never seen her rub her eyes

Ah-ha! If you look for the signs they will be there, trust me! It just takes a bit of practice. I remember when Brody was really little he would really cry at night, so we would hold him and walk with him and sing to him thinking it was wind. Looking back, 9 times of of ten I swear he must have just been exhausted!
Rubie used to get like this at about the same age but has grown out of, although does have the occasional day where she is like this. Now if Rubie is grizzling and I know she is not hungry/wet/dirty/windy, I will just step out of her view for a few minutes and 9 times out of 10 she will fall asleep. I would never leave her to cry though becuase she only cries if she is in pain or hungry.

I really hope you can work something out, I know how hard it is at the time, I remember crying every night becuase I couldn't work out what was wrong with her, and I didn't leave the house in an afternoon for weeks because I didn't want her routine upsetting in case it made her worse.

I cannot give you the answers becuase everyones baby is different. You will just have to see what works for you. Oh the joys! :lol: :? :lol:
Hey there lisa frankie will be 10wks old on saturday and as now i can here her crying she sits there chewing her fists me thinking she is hungry she only took 1oz i winded her and tried again but she didnt want anymore the moment i put her down she started crying and when i pick her up again she stops its a vicious circle and im wondering what to do about this as im exhausting myself trying to think what can be wrong or why she is like this?? :?
Same as Kim, Ewan was the same for about 2 month then grew out of it - i asked midwife, doc, and a BF councilor and they al said it is normal - for youg babies to be grumpy in the evening and they will often want to feed more than normal apparentlt it is thier way of tanking them selves up for the evening.
From 4pm Ewan would get grizzly and from 6pm he wanted feeding almost every 40 mins - it is vvv wearing and i would often end up in tears. (hubby would run me a bath and look after ewan 4 half hour whilst i pulled my self together.

some on recommended cluster feeding in the evening so say feed at 4, 6, 8, and a last feed at 10.

i was also told this was classic colic - i tried dentinox but ewan would scream the place down - it smells and tastes foul so we used gripe water.

Hope this ramble is of some help!
Flossy82 said:
Hey there lisa frankie will be 10wks old on saturday and as now i can here her crying she sits there chewing her fists me thinking she is hungry she only took 1oz i winded her and tried again but she didnt want anymore the moment i put her down she started crying and when i pick her up again she stops its a vicious circle and im wondering what to do about this as im exhausting myself trying to think what can be wrong or why she is like this?? :?

Awww this is very normal for a new baby. Have you thought about getting a sling?
If its any consolation, pretty much every mum i have ever spoken to says that their baby was very grizzly at tea time.

I don't think that many people get to eat their dinner in a relaxed way until the baby is at least three months old, so don't worry.

Sam was really yodelling when I left the house last night to go out with friends, I just had to leave the DH to it. He was fine.

I have been told that this does improve. roll on 12 weeks!
Hi urchin yes i do have a sling but frankie does not like being in it very much. So im rubbing out of ideas as to what i can try and do for her or what it could be???
Flossy I think it may be a case of just riding it out for a few weeks and hoping she'll get out of the habit.
Some babies just cry more than others, for now, I'd just give what comfort you can and fingers crossed she'll grow out of it :)
Thanks for your replies everyone - it is reassuring to know that it probably isnt anything I am doing - par for the course by the sounds of it.

Last night I felt we had taken a step back. Recently, she has been going from when finally we get her to sleep (around 10pm) till 3.30-4.00am which is really good. Last night however she was up at 1.00am then again at 5.00am then again at 7.00am - :evil: :roll: :evil: :roll: lol

Urchin - I will look for the signs then! I very often think she has wind - but is she using that as an excuse to stay up longer! :roll: lol - she does make squirmy movements though alot after a feed- but you are definately right in saying she is overtired. Even if she is windy she is also overtired. Thats exactly what I do - sing and walk around with her - but I can see I am gradually making a rod for my own back (i hate that saying too!) but its the only way of getting her settled so at least I can have some kind of sleep.

I think we need to get back to feeding her in her room too. The past couple of weeks I have been bringing her downstairs for the after bath and middle of the night feed. The simple reason being that D/H hears everything if I dont, and I hate getting up as it is, so by going downstairs at least I can watch telly and pass the time away - rather than sitting in some dark nursery itching to go back bed. Somehow being downstairs makes it easier!

Flossy - how is it going for you? any change? Perhaps its an age thing. Heidi will be 7 weeks on Friday and frankie is 10 weeks - I wonder if there is a standard age where it starts improving??!!! I noticed Sarah W Baby Belly said "roll on 12 weeks" - Sarah - please tell us why!!??!! What happens at 12 weeks!!!??!!! Do they sleep through and get full time jobs to pay there way!! lol :lol:

Mind you, every man and his dog that I know swears blind that their kids were sleeping through at 6 weeks - yeah right!!!!! :fib: - so what am I doing wrong then! lol

But thanks for the advice and help girls - it has been a sight more helpful than when I asked at the doctors.

L x

As you know Lisa, sometimes Olivia does this and I think it's sometimes wind and sometimes overtire or a combination of the two.

When it's wind she wont let me sit her up to wind her nor keep herself against me for putting over my shoulder so I find laying her across my lap on her tummy with her head by by crease of elbow is better for getting the wind up (I've tried gripe water by she gags on it).

When she's overtired walking her up and down stairs usually calms her and gets her eyes to half close or I put her in this sling : http://www.brightsparkslings.co.uk/ - she hates it but as soon as shes in and I start walking about she falls asleep, she does look very crunched up in it but maybe that comforts her?

How did het 6wk check go Lisa?

Lucy x
Hey there lisa no frankie was just as bad yesterday and for some unknown reason she wont take hardly any of her bottle either maybe about an 1oz or 2oz and then she wont take anymore i always bring her wind back up after and try her again but she wont take it as always when i put her down again she starts screaming and continues to do so through out the day as she did all day yesterday again but i dont like it when she isnt taking so much of her milk either because it worries me that she isnt getting enough :? I am still wondering why she has got into this habbit as at first she was quite good?? :?
Hi everyone - sorry for the late reply.

Flossy - is Frankie any better??

Lucy - I have put about the 6 week check on the 'Went to the baby clinic today' - it was crap I have to say - have a read........

I definatley think half of Heidi's problem is over tiredness - it doesnt help I suppose going out in the day but I dont want to be staying in all the time. I definatly suffered PND until I started to get out and about -ummm its so difficult to know what to do.

She's up there crying now. D/H is sorting her out, but i wish she would go sleep. She kept me up from 1.30am - 5.30am last night :cry: - D/H cant help overnight as he has to get up really early. :?

Hows everyone else getting on?

L x

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