What's happened?


Well-Known Member
Nov 18, 2009
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Emily is a nightmare! I know that might sound bad but she just is at the moment and I'm at the end of my tether.

She won't eat her meals, she won't nap (even though its obvious she is shattered) and she is waking up in the night.

I don't know what's happened, she has medicine before bed every night for her teeth but I don't think it's that. I just don't know what to do, she is such hard work all the time these days :-(

She is currently in her cot for the 4th time today screaming. I have to nip into work later and I know she is going to be a nightmare!!

Sorry for the rant, I'm just finding this really really really hard. I never thought it would be so challenging.

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Have you tried astons powders? They are normally used for teething but if any of mine have been threatful I give them it just gave Chloe one now as she has had one on her all morning and she settled about 5 mins after giving her it plus it's all natural so you can give it every 20 mins xxx
Think all kids go through the stage of not eating and refusing to nap, i know my 2 did. Dont think it was as early as a year tho, Paige has always been a fussy eater but my son is like a human dustbin lol. i wonder if she has got a tummy bug?? Jake gets very irratable when he has a poorly tum xx
Tegan's being pretty much the same so can't really advise hope emily improves for you soon :hugs: x
I think it's just an age thing, they're becoming aware that they are capable of so much...but not quite there! It must be a frustrating time! C is pretty much the same, throwing food, refusing to nap, head butting the floor when e doesn't get his own way (!), not sleeping, and as I'm still bf'ing, he's constantly pulling on my top and trying to help himself and then screaming when he gets given water instead. I'm assured it will pass, just got to tough it out! You're right tho, it's certainly a challenging time!
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Oh yeah, headbuttung the floor!!!! Emily also does this.

Thanks girls, it's good to know I'm not the only one!!

Rob comes home at night and she's all happy, he wonders what my problem is!!

Evie, ahstons have been discontinued :-(
hey hun i dont really have advice as my lo is exactly the same at the moment. its so hard work! i find myself sometimes wishing the day away until bedtime... that sounds so bad. luckily for me he doesnt wake up and if he does goes back down no fuss. lastnight i put him to bed at 6.15 just so i could get a break. i found it was so much easier when he was a newborn!!! hopefully its a phase that will pass (sooner rather than later i hope for us)
sending you hugs xoxoxoxo
I guess we should also enjoy the fact they actually argue back yet lol, although LOs favourite word is 'no' :roll:
Oh yeah, headbuttung the floor!!!! Emily also does this.

Thanks girls, it's good to know I'm not the only one!!

Rob comes home at night and she's all happy, he wonders what my problem is!!

Evie, ahstons have been discontinued :-(

marley is a daddys boy, he behaves like an angel for him. he doesnt understand either what i moan about or why i feel stressed and exhausted! grrrr annoying.
Really? Superdrug jut restocked all theirs and the asda near us! Lol xx
Oh yeah, headbuttung the floor!!!! Emily also does this.

Thanks girls, it's good to know I'm not the only one!!

Rob comes home at night and she's all happy, he wonders what my problem is!!

Evie, ahstons have been discontinued :-(

I got 2 packets from boots last week x
Every chemist I've been in has said it's no longer in the Market????????? How strange??
Oscar is being a right handful too. Maybe it's full moon? lol I think either he's coming down with ANOTHER cold after baby group, or it's teeth, but OMG it's draining me. He won't eat and won't sleep, he's headbutting walls too lol He's happy to do so, but it's like nails on a chalkboard to me, can't bear it. It's not hard, but whyyyyyyyy do they do it?

Trying to feed him anything other than breakfast is a challenge. He just grabs it and throws it on the floor and then screams bloody murder. Took me 30 mins to calm him down at dinner coz he was so offended by a cheese roll!!

Paige is the same. Although its not too bad tbh. She gets a bit stroppy sometimes but I just tell her not to make that horrible sound or stop being stroppy and she knows now that I ignore her if she's stroppy and playful when she's happy. I've made a big effort recently to be really happy and lovely when she good so there's a noticeable difference in my tone of voice and actions. It sounds simple but it's really helped I think. Obviously doesn't stop things though! Lol.

I've tries giving her more independence now as well, like just little things like she gives herself her last bottle, she tells me when she wants her nappy changed and when she wants a nap etc.

I think it's difficult for them and us at the moment! Paige got a bit upset earlier because she wanted to tell me something but I couldn't understand her :(
Every chemist I've been in has said it's no longer in the Market????????? How strange??

Very odd! do you want me to go get some & post to you? x
Every chemist I've been in has said it's no longer in the Market????????? How strange??

Very odd! do you want me to go get some & post to you? x

I've not tried boots, so I will try there. If no luck, that would be great thanks Hun! I'll let you know tomorrow x

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No problem Hun, as soon as you let me know if you haven't had any luck i'll pop some in the post x
I GOT SOME!!!! I'm so relieved as I know it works. Boots were sold out but I tried another little chemist and got the last 2 boxes on the shelf!!! :)

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Yay! i have to say i stopped giving them to her & then read this thread & gave her then yesterday afternoon & today and she's been so much happier!
Oh yes meant to add i asked in boots today if there being discontinued & she said no but there not allowed to stock many because cocaine users use it to mix with there cocaine!

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