whats going on?


Well-Known Member
Jan 29, 2011
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I came off the pill on May and I settled quite quickly into a pattern of getting my AF every 5-6weeks. However, have not had one since mid november. 72 days to be exact. Get a BFN when I test. Bought First Response pack of OP sticks yesterday and the first one I used said I was having an LH surge. Im driving myself mad... have a doctors apt for next Friday but I have no clue what my body is doin to me. Oh to be a man!
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hmmm, have no advice for you hun, i hope you get some answers at the GP

72 days is long, I know there are some other ladies on here that have very long cycle too.

Hope everythings ok.xx
Hey jomc :wave:

Sorry I haven't really got any advice but didn't want to read & run

It's great you've got an appointment with your GP though, I would of thought that as your periods have been regular since coming off the pill then that would be your set cycle time & just seems a little strange this one is so long. It could be an imbalance in hormones but am sure your GP can get things sorted

Keep us posted though

Thank you ladies... you know yourselves, I'm driving myself mad with any tiny little change in my body. Cant wait to get to the doctor and see what he advises :oooo:
Hm.. could be pregnant, although when I came off the pill in 2008, I had my periods regular and then I missed two periods.. A month after my second period should have arrived, I started to bleed really heavy and had horrible period pains. I went to the doctors thinking I was pregnant but having a miscarriage, she simply turned to me and said, "If you were having a miscarriage I think you'd be in a lot more pain". She then told me that sometimes women just miss periods. I still have no idea today what happened, whether it was just a period or what..

But I wish you all the best :) Good look with your appointment! xx
Doctors appointment tomorrow morning, wee bit nervous :shock:

Still no :witch: which means it has been 86 days since I had it.

Wish me luck!
good luck huny i hope u get the result u want or at least some answers xx

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