What's Going On With Him?


Well-Known Member
Jun 22, 2007
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Oh please help me! LOL

Luke has never been a great sleeper. He sleeps for a maximum of around 2 hours, perhaps 3 on a good night, but during the day he is awake almost ALL day long. He has cat-naps of 30 minutes here and there, usually in the car but he is a real sleep fighter. I wish he would sleep more!

On top of his lack of sleep, he gets SOOOOOO tired, that he gets stressed out and gets really over-tired and then can't get to sleep without a massive fight. We get scratched, punched, slapped, you name it, he does it just so he WON'T go to sleep!

Now..... he has decided the last 2 nights that his cot is not somewhere he wants to be and although he is happy to fall asleep on me whilst feeding, as soon as I move him into his cot, within 2 minutes he is waking up and crying. I thought the first few times it was a bad dream or wind or something but since it's lke 2 minutes before he wakes again, I don't think for a minute that it is!!

I'm googling all kinds of things here to try and establish what's going on with him.

Is this typical of the 12 weeks growth spurt? I'd have thought that a growth spurt would have him sleeping more or is that just a myth and not true to all babies? I wouldn't say he is feeding much more than usual. Maybe a tiny bit but nothing like previous growth spurts.

The only other thing I could come up with as silent reflux. When he is flat on his back in his cot he has started bringing his knees up all the time.

Please help! I can't cope on such little sleep :shock:
I had this problem with Sam in the early days. I started wrapping him, and laying him slightly on his side (with his little sausage pillow behind his back) This worked a treat....... :hug: :hug:
i did the same with Hannah she had colic and it disturbed her sleep and i swaddled her and laid he on her side, she was never good at sleeping on her back anyway :hug:
I really don't think it is colic though.... He has colic earlier in the evening although recently it has been much much better.
maybe he doesn't like sleeping on his back Debbie. It might be worth a try slightly tilting him onto his side and using a rolled up towel to stop him rolling onto his back.

Evie has always slept on her side...she automatically turned onto her side really early on...terrified me to begin with but we got an angelcare breathing monitor so I could relax and she sleeps much better like that.
We're going to see a Cranial Oesteopath tomorrow to see if it will help with several things.....
I have heard that they are really good Debbie, one of my HVs took her son and said he changed over night!
Fingers crossed that they will be able to help then!! :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray:
DebbieM said:
We're going to see a Cranial Oesteopath tomorrow to see if it will help with several things.....

What does a cranial oesteopath do? :?

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