what's going on? arrrg


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2012
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I came off the pill 20 days ago and have been using opk test strips for past 16 days - haven't seen a positive test, very faint lines or blank test lines only.

I had lots of EYCM on Saturday just gone and felt in the mood as it were - but still no positive ov test:eh:

Now this morning I have brown spotting and pinchy type ache in the back of my pelvis, usually if I start AF I get spotting in the morning, but by later in the day red flow (sorry tmi). but still only small traces of brown when I wipe. Otherwise Cm is quite dried up compared to the flood at weekend, lol.

Should I bother continuing the ov tests - still took one this morning even after seeing the spotting, just in case, lol - but was negative again.

Just wish AF or OV would come so I know where I am - at the moment I just don't know where I'm at:wall2:
wow that is confusing..

it sounds to me like your hormones are just all over the place, i used to get random EWCM after I got my implant out..

try not to stress and keep testing.. I was told by my docs to let 6 months pass after coming off hormonal contraceptive before my cycles got back to normal maybe your cycles are just trying to adjust, you havent been off the pill even a whole month, give it time sweets.

Luck xx
As Russellmuscle says you've not been off the pill for very long it can take a year for your body to sort itself out properly and have regular cycles once you come off the pill... try not to stress too much about it either as that won't help...

relax and just enjoy the practise... :) xxx
I know I am being impatient, but I kept a diary from when I came off the pill to ttc my daughter - and I ovulated 19 days after coming off the pill without having had a withdrawal bleed or period, got af 14 days after that and then ov on cycle day 19 of the next 2 cycles, getting preg on the 3rd cycle:lol:

so was kind thinking things would go similar this time off, but so far it hasn't, lol:roll:

I am well known for my severe impatience!:blush:
I was inpatient too, thankfully I didnt need to wait long.

Although I did NTNP for a whole year so that I wouldnt be disapointed if I didnt catch quickly due to having the implanon in as like Seonaid says, I was advised 6-12months for your cycles to get back. Mines settled after about 6 months but I dont know when my fertility and ov returned to normal.

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