Whats a good Sat Nav?


Well-Known Member
May 29, 2007
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My dad wants a Sat nav for xmas, and as my mums going to the UK she said she will get it from there... We preferably want one where we can up load maps to it for various different countries and areas.... Does anyone have any ideas?
The Tom tom GO: UK+Europe is supposed ot be good.

Mind you, Halfords have a sony one on offer for £100, I think it's £50 quid off, but I'm not sure if it's got Europe or not.
You can get these from Argos right? (I must sound like a right fool.. last time I set foot in Argos was about 4 years ago... :rotfl: )

yeah but shop around.

You can reserve online at argos.co.uk but I'd check Halfords, Currys etc first.
We got a TomTom One from Comet for £50 off earlier this year. It only does UK, but it's very good and there are a lot of downloads available for it as it's very common one to have. Bear in mind they have yearly packages to subscribe to as well to update the information on them. I don't know if that's optional or you have to do it, but I think ours cost £25 or something like that.
Tom Toms are fab..

in the right hands...

Daddys is fooked now....

Men.... need i say anymore? hahh
i have a Tom Tom and i love it, well i did until my mum borrowed it and broke it!!! :evil:
Yeah tom tom, has anyone got any cool voices? Apparently theres ozzy osbourne and lots of other gr8 voices.,..
i have tom tom with european maps, its great, recomend to any one
sharne/steelgoddess... we got some yeah i'll see if we still have the download and if so i'll pm you :)

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