What would you like to see at a Xmas fayre?!

Me, My Girls & I

Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2009
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Hope this is ok in here? :flower: I've got a stall at the school Xmas fayre and am trying to get an idea of what people would like to see/be likely to buy! It's a well known brand, and a brand that people trust!

I'm currently thinking:
Xmassy shower gels, bath confetti etc
Hand creams
Samples of the more expensive make ups
Samples of the current best selling cream
Cheap lipglosses/eye shadows for the older kids
Xmas bits (lights, table stuff)
Few jewellery bits

I'm a bit stuck after that! Is there anything on the list you wouldn't buy at a fayre/anything you'd like to see that's not on it? I'll have brochures and order forms with me too, but I'm thinking with the more expensive items, people aren't going to want to pay that much at a fayre/wouldn't have that much money with them! What would be the maximum price you'd pay on the night? (anything ordered on the night would be paid on delivery)

Thanks guys xxx
I love quite crafty things so maybe things like handmade cards, decorations and candles :)

The things you've listed sound fab, ideal presents for people and it would be something different, I suppose most people would go down the craft route x
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Thanks hun! I've got the stall to do my Avon, so it's all bits and pieces from that! I wish I'd kept up with my crafting cos it would go down so well this time of year!
Perhaps perfumes? Good stocking fillers for mums :)
Have you got a business card or contact details to give those who want something but don't have the cAsh?
Also what about leaving some more expensive stuff in the car so you can always nip out and get it if needs be?
Can you do make up demos? X
Ooo I forgot perfumes! There's loads of cute gift sets ATM! I've got loads of business cards and stickers which I'm gobs whack on all my samples and all the stock so people can't forget me :lol:
What about make up bags/small clutches? And gift sets? X

Tapatalking from my blackberry!
Ooo yea there's loads of cute clutches ATM! Do kids still like those santa hats for phones?! I remember loving them, but dunno if they're still "in" :blush:
Definitely candles like an OP suggested. They're the one thing I can't resist & always end up buying.
Defo the wrap your own gift sets I love them ! Christmas decoration like the cookie jars are so cute . The kiddies pjs and blankets would be lovely Christmas Eve boxes I reckon ?
The other thing I would do is have samples and some demos ? Loads of order forms and out the special offers out on display too
The only samples I'm planning on taking really are af33, cos I've got a fook load! I've got some smartstart ones too so will take them, but in general I find samples don't really work out for me! I'm well excited for it now! Been going thru looking at what I can get cos gota put my order thru this week!
I think you might be right actually I find people aren't really pushed about samples more about seeing the product .
They work really well for some people, but I'm yet to have someone buy something I've given them a sample of! Bar fragrance cards! I'm a walking talking Avon advert when I go out mind and I've had a lot of people asking about my bags/scarves/lipstick :lol:

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