What would you have done?


Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2006
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I was flicking though a passport at work and suddenly noticed a £5 note on my desk, it wasnt mine and it wasnt there before all i can gather is that it fell out of the passport.
No one saw it and she didnt claim that it was in her application.

What would you have done?
I once found a fiver in the playground when I was a kid. Being a goodie-two-shoes I went and handed it in. I went back after a week to see if anyone had claimed it and the secretary at the office said that although nobody had claimed it, they could not give it to me and it would be entered into school funds.

What a sucker I was :(
I would probably put it to one side and if no one asks for it in like a week, then I'd have it as a sort of office treat so use it to buy biscuits or cakes for everyone one day.
a work mate of mine found twenty quid outside work one morning. Being gullible as she is she thought that the big boss has put it there on purpose to test his employees. well she handed it over to our manager which was kept in a box for months and months on end,..she was hoping that no one would claim it after those long months and she would buy something nice for herself. one day she came back to work after a week holiday and found out that some rat had stole it...moral of the story ..i dont know but all i know is that she was a bit of an idiot
When I was 16 I worked in Waitrose on Saturdays & someone dropped a £50 on my till, I kept it to one side thinking they would return, after several hours they hadn't come back so I handed it to the checkout supervisor.
I later found out that that silly old bint got the sack for stealing, she must have stolen thousands & that 50 quid would have gone straight into her pocket, I slapped myself after :roll:
nicki said:
When I was 16 I worked in Waitrose on Saturdays & someone dropped a £50 on my till, I kept it to one side thinking they would return, after several hours they hadn't come back so I handed it to the checkout supervisor.
I later found out that that silly old bint got the sack for stealing, she must have stolen thousands & that 50 quid would have gone straight into her pocket, I slapped myself after :roll:

When I worked in Morrisons we used to have random stop checks on our way to the canteen, so nobody would get away with having stolen money from the tills unless they hid it somewhere discreet :shock:
nicki said:
When I was 16 I worked in Waitrose on Saturdays & someone dropped a £50 on my till, I kept it to one side thinking they would return, after several hours they hadn't come back so I handed it to the checkout supervisor.
I later found out that that silly old bint got the sack for stealing, she must have stolen thousands & that 50 quid would have gone straight into her pocket, I slapped myself after :roll:

I think managers think they have the right because there higher. I took it, wouldnt have been worth handing in. :angel:
Whoever you hand it to will just keep it. May as well keep it. Would cost more to find out who it belongs to :lol:
But if you say it was in someones passport, or someones application then its obvious that it is his/hers money, its not like you have no idea who it could be. Id say if you know who it belongs to give it back..if you have no idea keep it. But its not like money in a bag cant slip into the passport.
cassi said:
But if you say it was in someones passport, or someones application then its obvious that it is his/hers money, its not like you have no idea who it could be. Id say if you know who it belongs to give it back..if you have no idea keep it. But its not like money in a bag cant slip into the passport.

it would have been passed to abou 6 people before it was despatched to her anyway so som one down the line would have taken it. I was just the first to look.
Given the circumstances - you being at work and all that I would hand it in, like Cassi says you know whose it belongs to, and it could be your job if anyone finds out that you took it - even though noone would find out!

It all depends on the situation - I would probably take it if it was lying on the street as noone knows who it belongs to! Ooh ethical dilemnas - what a nightmare!!!!!

So what did you do?
I looked about and asked my friend who sits behind me if she had seen any one put it on my desk and she said no, so i put it in my pocked. Checked her application later which was caseworked and bought fish and chips with it :oops:
jenna said:
bought fish and chips with it :oops:

:rotfl: good one jenna

as it was only a fiver it wouldnt have been worth the hassle of getting it back to the woman (if it was a bit more then yes hand it back).
I done exactly the same as dinski when i found £5 at school and handed it into the office, they probably pocketed it, but i though it was the right thing to do as it could have been some kids dinner money.
Also was walking through a shopping centre and saw a woman drop £60 as she rumaged in her purse, other people saw her do it and said nothing (probably hoping to pocket it), so i went and picked it up and gave it back to her, she was so thankful and it total shock that she nearly lost £60.

If i found money on the street and didnt know dropped it i'd keep it(i used to find money on the floor all the time as a waitress with no idea who dropped it, so i'd alsways just add it to my tip money), I wouldnt keep it if i saw someone drop it though.
jenna I prob would have done the same as you in this situation . :D
jenna said:
I looked about and asked my friend who sits behind me if she had seen any one put it on my desk and she said no, so i put it in my pocked. Checked her application later which was caseworked and bought fish and chips with it :oops:

:lol: did they taste extra yummy
yep! :D lol

I once had my phone and mp3 player in both my pockets and £50 i got for my birthday. I was walking to the bus stop and a women passed me with a baby in a pram and a toddler at the side of her. I toddled off listeningto my music not realising she was shouting me. I stopped to check the road before i crossed and she tapped me on my back and said id dropped my £50 while i took my phone out my pocket. I felt so guilty that i had troubled her. :cry: Im just too nice some times lol.

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