What would you do?

Lola's Mummy

Well-Known Member
Oct 5, 2007
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I put my old silver cross pram in the paper and a woman has been and bought it. She told me she is 32 weeks pregnant and is having a little girl. She wasn't that old maybe 22.

The problem is you could tell she didn't have a lot of money :( what i want to do is offer to give her all Lola's old baby things clothes, Moses basket, Baby bath etc. I was only going to keep them in the loft but would rather someone that needs them get some use out of them.

Is it cheeky to ring her up and offer them to her? Ijust don't want to offend or embarrass her
you could say you were going to put them on freecycle and wondered if she wanted first dibs?

Ive taken a good few second hand thing for Joe and im not offended, it frees up cash for other things for baby.
aaww I think its really sweet of you :hug:

I would call her, like the others say make out you were going to get rid of them and just wondered if she would like them as she brought the pram.
She obviously doesn't mind second hand stuff as she brought your pram :D
I wouldn't be offended either, I would bite your hand off, I love free stuff!! :lol: :lol:
I've rang her and she seemed really pleased she's going to come and pick it up later with her OH because there's 6 bin bags full :D
What a sweetheart you are :D

Bet you have just made her year! :hug:
Thats really nice of you! She will always remember that and you have probably taken her mind off the worry of buying that stuff now.
Lola's Mummy said:
I've rang her and she seemed really pleased she's going to come and pick it up later with her OH because there's 6 bin bags full :D

aawww bless you! :hug:
bet shes chuffed as nuts! :D
Awww that's so nice of you. Let us know how you got on once she has picked it up :D
What a lovely thing to do, you've probably made her day. Hooray! :D
She has been to pick all the stuff up and she was so pleased :D . She said i've really helped her because she was starting to get worried about how she was going to afford everything.

I'm really pleased with myself :D

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