What would you do?


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2007
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We have a 7 month old border collie cross, today she's bitten my 7 year old again and drawn blood (paris was just sat on sofa with me), she's constantly diving on my tum. Me and sean always argue about her.

I don't know what to do :cry: :cry:
Border collies are very intelligent dogs and need lots of things to occupy them or they become difficult to live with. Does he/she get excersied regularly? Maybe take he to obedience class? Border collies love agility courses to....anything really that will keep them stimulated. They get bored very quickly.

If you already do those thing with him/her then I don't really know what else to suggest because you need to put you kids first don't you?

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
If he's bitten "again" I would find it a new home right away. Training etc is good but you will always wonder if it will happen again, worse.
It sounds like it might be jealous, if Paris was just sitting next to you. When the baby comes it may get more jealous and do something worse.
Your right Urchin. Now that I've thought about it, if my dog bit any of my kids just once he'd be put to sleep or at the very least found a home with no kids.
Even though Collie's are highly intelligent & usually very well behaved dogs I think some are just born with more aggresion than others.
My Auntie's old dog was a collie & he was very aggressive but only towards younger females, he was very obedient as long as it was a male doing the ordering! he once tried to bite me ( I was taking him for a walk at the time, the ungrateful sod!! :lol: ), he had his legs dangling off the floor while he gripped onto my arm, I was only a kid at the time & thankfully it was winter so I had a thick jumper & coat on otherwise things would have turned out alot differently, he still left marks on my arm. My Dad went ape sh*t & Henry got a boot up the arse!! :shock:

In my opinion I would try and re-house the dog or take her to the rspca or an animal sanctury. Some dogs just don't like children unfortunately. :(
Im so sorry hunny it happened again.

Maybe getting her sprayed will solve the problem. As cookie has very much hiper since getting her done she has calmed down 110% its just lola now.

I hope so hope you can sort it out

:hug: :hug: :hug:

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