What would you do


Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2005
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I have a friend (well she isn't really, but I know her through my DH) who has recently had a baby (6 weeks old). She's totally potty. She tells lies all the time about her health (not the babies) and I mean big lies (they think she's got leukemia this week).
There are always discrepancies with things that she says and she's always contradicting herself. Last time I saw her she was popping anti-ds in front of me, telling me she is suicidal then randomly throwing things into a convo like how much she's spent on shoes and how she must be the only single mum with a designer handbag (she isn't a single mum though!) but then saying she can't afford toys for her baby. I worry that she will harm the baby to get attention for herself as she really is that dolally. It's hard to explain really just how bizarre a convo is with her, but she told me when she was pg she didn't want the baby and now she's here she just totally hates being a mother.
I don't like her but worry for the baby (she does such weird things like try to make the poor thing sit up and then says 'oooh she's so intelligent for her age'), would you carry on seeing her? I know you probably think that she's just depressed and needs support, which I will try to give but she's exhausting. When she comes out with all these blatant lies (she was speaking full sentences at 7 months you know) I wonder why I bother with her.
hmm some people are compulsive liars! did she lie before she had the baby? if not it could be depression making act strange :think:
Yeah she was a liar back then. You know she was up for the part in Pirates of the Carribean? But Keira Knightly got it instead :roll:
i would contact my health visitor and tell her all about her. The health visitor will act in complete confidence and investigate the matter.
I think you friend is depressedand lonely.

At least if you tell your health visitor you will have done your bit and if anything happens in the future you can say you tried to help. :)
budge said:
i would contact my health visitor and tell her all about her. The health visitor will act in complete confidence and investigate the matter.
I think you friend is depressedand lonely.

At least if you tell your health visitor you will have done your bit and if anything happens in the future you can say you tried to help. :)

We have different HVs as she's in a different town, but I will mention it to mine :)
they tend to know each other. at least you will get it off your chest. Its obviously bothering you.

I wasin a similar predicament once and i told my health visiotr and it ended up the girl i ''reported' needed help and got it. Sometimes poking your nose in does help. Don't feel bad about it.
I agree with budge.

That thing about the pirates of the caribean is such a lie, it was me who was turened down for the role (I just couldn't face having to snog Orlando Bloom every day :roll: )
I think you should stop seeing her to be honest. Not much more you can do as it's her life but with liars you tend to nod and agree with them which makes it worse. All they want is attention and even if you do a slight nod it's like you're listening so they carry on. My sil is the biggest liar in the whole world. She is seriously crazy! Every week she has a new illness, she is down the doctor's about 4 times a week. She's "attempted" suicide 3 times and she loves stirring everything up. I refuse to see her and she has only seen my son once which I didn't even agree too (my mil set me up so she would be there when we were). The last time I saw her every lie she came out with I pulled to bits and told her she was lying because I knew by agreeing I was making it worse. She'd sit there and tell her mum she had yelled up someone and say that I was there when she did it when I wasn't! When my bil found out his gf was pregnant she came out with this whole story about how she had 3 abortions which I know she hadn't because if she had she would have told everyone. Her doctor must be sick of her, I know all of her family are! My dh has now decided he wants nothing to do with her after she sent him a text basically saying she was going to kill herself and it was his fault (he hadn't spoken to her for weeks). Then she sent a text to my dh's friend and said "goodbye I have taken an overdose" He told his supervisor at work to f*ck off and walked out nearly losing his job so he could go get her. When he got there she was sat in her flat watching tv. I would do your best to stay as far away as possible from her hun, you don't want your daughter being around her, it could rub off :(
budge said:
i would contact my health visitor and tell her all about her. The health visitor will act in complete confidence and investigate the matter.
I think you friend is depressedand lonely.

At least if you tell your health visitor you will have done your bit and if anything happens in the future you can say you tried to help. :)

Yes that's what I would say too.
Oh dear, what a horrible predicament to be in, as if there wasn't a baby involved u would probably tell her to do one. It is very alarming that she is trying to get a 6 week old baby 2 sit up-Bex has only just mastered this. It could do her baby damage.

Are you close to this girl? Close that you can turn round and tell her not to do that with her baby etc, and why are you lying?

I agree that you should off load to your HV, as this is too much a burdon for you to carry just now. The welfare of the baby is her responsibility and you shouldn't lose sleep over it. You have enough on your plate.

Keep your chin up. :hug:

Coudl you actually just say,look I know you are making this all up can you stop lying or I dont want to see you again. This I know I would do but then I am too upfront and it doesnt earn me many points,lol.

It could shock her into stopping,I dont know but good luck

youve got to be worried about the baby though, i mean if she harmed the baby and you hadnt done anything how do you think that you would feel, even though rationally thinking it wouldnt be your fault.

i agree that you should speak to your HV then just enquire about progress after about a week.

lying is such an illness.

Ella's got her 8 month check on Friday (had letter this morning), so I will mention it to my HV then :)

Hopefully she's just harmless, but I can't stand liars. What's the point? It's so sad :(
Tricky situation.
I had a friend who told large porkies to get attention, she said she would sneak out of her bedroom window at night (she lived with her parents) went to the coast with her boyfriend & took drugs but to fund the habit she stood under a red light for a bit etc etc. :roll: in the I confronted her about everything, she broke down in tears & said it was for the attention etc she got help in the end.

That poor baby :(
budge said:
i would contact my health visitor and tell her all about her. The health visitor will act in complete confidence and investigate the matter.
I think you friend is depressedand lonely.

I think she sounds seriously ill. There is an active imagination and then there is that. Its only going to be so long before she does start lying about the baby.

I would go with what budge says and say to your health visitor

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