I sold my phone yesterday on a buy it now and the buyer paid straight away using paypal.
I stated on my listing that I would not post to an unconfirmed address but when I checked paypal he is unconfirmed
and im not elligible (sp?) for seller protection.
He has got good feedback. Would you risk it and send the phone to him or refund the payment back to him explaining that im refunding because, as stated on my listing I don't accept payment from unconfimed addresses?
I'd send it if it wasn't of too much value but £65 is alot to lose if something goes wrong because im not covered by paypal
Will probably get a negative feedback if I do that though and nothing I can do about it anymore
I stated on my listing that I would not post to an unconfirmed address but when I checked paypal he is unconfirmed

He has got good feedback. Would you risk it and send the phone to him or refund the payment back to him explaining that im refunding because, as stated on my listing I don't accept payment from unconfimed addresses?
I'd send it if it wasn't of too much value but £65 is alot to lose if something goes wrong because im not covered by paypal

Will probably get a negative feedback if I do that though and nothing I can do about it anymore