What will you learn from?


Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2011
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I was talking to my dad yesterday and he was kindly telling me what a nightmare I was when I was little pmsl. He reminded me of Tooth Fairygate, which basically came down to the fact that my parents were more generous than most. I used to get £1 for every tooth whereas my school mates would get 50p. My Tooth Fairy paid out for about 100 teeth before she (actually my dad lol) cottoned on to the fact that I didn't actually have that many teeth.

What I was doing was getting £1 off the Tooth Fairy and giving my mates 75p so we were all in profit except for the obvious lol. So all in all I'll be counting the teeth my son has and loses and make sure I don't get scammed by the playground mafia.

Is there anything you did when you were little that you'll be looking out for? xxxxxxxxxx
I was very good so never did anything like that!!! lol. Actually my thing now is going through the teenage years with Dylan. I remember the fibs to get out of homework and for getting away with going to mates etc etc so thats what I am on alert for all the time. lol. I think the only thing to watch out for with AJ that I used to do was the bottom lip and the puppy dog eyes when I wanted something. I'm excellent at turning on the tears too always have been since birth according to my mother!! But that may just be a girl thing. lol
Lol Babybrain! At nursery we used to make cakes and have them at break time, we all had little signs with our names on it and once we had our cake we were to stick them on the board... I never used to stick it on the board and used to go round about four times so I could eat more cake. Greedy child :O Lol xxx
Hahahaaa!!!!!!..... I don't have any stories, i was a rubbish liar, still am, i suppose my worries will start at the teenage years.

but i'm deffinatley gutted i missed out on scamming the tooth fairy!.... a tooth count is deffinatley in order if i have a genious baby like you obv were!! hehee
haha love the stories...
My mum always tells me the same story at xmas...
When i was about 2 she put chocolates on the tree, one particular afternoon she said i could have one because id been good, when she went to get one i had eaten them all and left the wrappers on there as if noone had touched them... I said it was clever xxx
haha love the stories...
My mum always tells me the same story at xmas...
When i was about 2 she put chocolates on the tree, one particular afternoon she said i could have one because id been good, when she went to get one i had eaten them all and left the wrappers on there as if noone had touched them... I said it was clever xxx

Lol my sister did this with the chocolate advent calendars! She used to eat all the chocolates somehow without opening the windows but she would do it to mine and my other sisters - imagine our faces when we opened our window only to find the chocolates weren't there!! Lol!
i was actually a really well behaved child! until i became a teenager and then i was awful.. in a way im happy im having a boy not a girl coz bloody hell if my little girl was anything like me id never let her go out

luckily i was never horrible to my mum and i looked so innocent she didnt suspect too much- corrr if she knew the truth!! only lasted a few years though and then i went back to being little miss perfect.... nearly... :)

i hope we all have wonderfully well behaved children :) pah xxxx

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