What will help??


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2011
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Hey ladies, Thursday evening I started not feeling to good in myself & came down with a headache, I thought maybe a cold was coming on so went to bed early but had quite a sleepless night :( anyway I continued not feeling to well on Friday & the headache was still there so I gave in and took a paracetamol, come yesterday I was still feeling really crap & now feeling sick, we nipped out to Home Bargains for a few bits & should have been going to Asda after, but whilst walking around Home Bargains I kept going light headed & feeling like I was going to drop, so we went straight home instead. Hubby was starting to get worried as I am high risk pre-eclampsia, so I called NHS Direct, who told me to call out of hours doctor who told me to go and see the doctor at our local A&E.......Anyway it turns out my blood pressure is really low (which was kind of a relief!) my urine was clear but she said my throat was quite red, my pulse was a bit fast and my ears looked a bit sore! So she said it looks like I am coming down with a viral infection & I must rest lots....Hubby asked if I could keep taking the paracetamol for the headaches, to which she replied 'No, its okay to take the odd paracetamol in pregnancy but you cant take them everyday'......I had one Friday but two yesterday :(
What can I do to ease the headache?? I would really appreciate any help please.......sorry its such a long post! X x x
Darkroom and peace n quiet. Also just tetrode ax. Soothing baths etc. Hope you feel better soon.xx
sorry you are feeling so rough hun. I have very low blood pressure even not being pregnant and that in itself makes you feel crap (i have averaged 90 over 40 before). You need to get up from sitting or lying down very slowly, give yourself plenty of time, do it in stages. I have moved the furniture round a bit, like not having coffee table in front of the sofa etc so if I do faint i won't land on anything that will hurt. If you feel woozy and can bend over your bump sit down put your head down to your knees as far as you can. I found that getting out of bed is easier if i roll over onto all fours and put my head down and then shuffle like a crab til I can put my foot on the floor, sit on my bum and breathe nice and deep. Your midwife should be able to give you some tips, hope you feel better soon xxxxxxxxxxx
On the paracetomol thing I have been taking it every four hours since week 9 cos of spd! I was told it is totally safe and was actually advised to take it regulary!

For ur headache try the cool patches they r really soothing!

Hope u feel better soon x

Lulabell - whats tetrode ax??

Thanks girls, babybrain, I will give that a try thanks. Just hoping and praying it passes real soon! X x x x x x
MrsMc, did your doc tell you to take it regular? Hubby has suggested I go and see my doc tomorrow and see what she says.
Off to go and see if we can get any cool patches now x x x
Yeh doctor I was originally prescribes paracetomal and codeine but just take the paracetomal!

You can get a thing called FORhead thats in a tube like lip balm and you push it up and rub on your forhead and its kind of minty hot and it can help , Personally it doenst work for me but for everyone else i know they swear by them
On the paracetomol thing I have been taking it every four hours since week 9 cos of spd! I was told it is totally safe and was actually advised to take it regulary!

For ur headache try the cool patches they r really soothing!

Hope u feel better soon x

Same here regarding the paracetamol thing, was advised to take it upto the max dosage per day for pain, i do think some mw's just like to put their own opinion in rather than medical

(my gp also has me on 1 or 2 Tramadol a day for pain, down from 6 so try not to worry too much, easier said than done i know)

Hope your feeling better soon xx
hope you feel better soon, i was told paracetamol was totally safe taken at the recommended dose on the packets, my midwife and consultant have confirmed it safe to take. i also found an ice pack wrapped it tea towel on forehead or back of head/neck helped x
Thanks girls. My gran gave me a cooling mask, which feels amazing when I first put it on! I am going to give my doc a call in the morning to see what she says about the paracetamol, my hubby thinks the emergency doc wasn't 'with it', she never even checked my maternity notes or wrote in them! X x x

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