i didnt have my usual period cramps, i was oh so bloated and i was going for a pee so so often. i was also feeling stomach pains while hungry and i had sore nipples.
I had usual periods symptoms tbh hun. I spent months symptom spotting and then I think I must have pushed aside any symptoms that month because I randomly tested and didn't think I was pregnant.
Constipation from a few days post ovulation!!! And then weird dreams and funny sleep patterns, waking in night every few hours, or getting up really early
Runny nose, bloatedness, continual soft cervix and ummm tighter down below (wanted to keep checking position and texture of cervix so i understood it better).
I had very bad back pain, gassy, loss of appetite, creamy cm, heartburn and sore boobs. Which is all pretty much the same at the moment, I hink what really gave me a sign was my heartburn and back pain.
Literally no symptoms at all... I just knew when my period was due and took a test that day. I was really lucky in the first tri to be honest, no sickness, no sore boobs (till now lol!!), only thing I had wrong was fatigue. I did have implantation spotting but I didn't think it was that so soon! xx
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