What was the last movie you watched.......

i actually cant remember the last time i saw a film lol
and i aint seen one at the cinema for like 2.5 yrs
Glitzy glamgirl, try and stick with The Illusionist, it actually quite a good film if you can hang in there.
Watched Lady in the Water, was all psyched up for a good scary film, but it was absolutely appalling! Had to watch it all the way thru just to see if it improved, but NO! It was like it was written by a twelve year old :roll:
Minxy said:
I'm desperate to see Little miss Sunshine, I've heard good things :D

I'm getting it from this film site we're with (lovefilm), as I'd seen it was in Jonathan Ross's top movies of 2006...but I hadn't heard of it....I'll let you know :wink: think I'll be watching it tomorrow night :think:
We watched this Spanish film called 'Pan's Labyrinth'. It was really good but quite a strange combination of very violent scenes mixed with scenes that could have come out of a childrens film. Definintely recommended and quite original.

I saw Children of Men a while ago and thought it was really pretentious and overrated.

Was very impressed by Casino Royale remake as I normally get bored watching Bond films but this had a whole new take to it.
Curtosy of Sky Movies, I taped the other night and watched yesterday afternoon:

Memoirs of a Gesha - boy was that a good movie!
We watched "the sitter" I think it was called and it was rather good
Total recall the new version. I liked it but still like the old one better x

sent from my Samsung Galaxy S3 :P
I think mine was Astroboy...I think lol. Was quite good...Had a lot of big names for the voices too.
UP omg I was in tears, I'd never seen it before x

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