what was first baby item you bought?

sock eating cats!! lol

I bough boo boo a tigger suit last weekend xx
Haven't bought anything yet. Might start after my 20 week scan next week. Not because I'm supersticious but because the amount of stuff to buy is so much it's kinda overwelming.
Thats so true mustard! i actually have no idea what i need for baby:shock:
In Bluewater there is a stand that have baby grows and bibs and they have funny stitched on comments. So we got a bib saying I-Pood. (My husbands humor, not mine) but that was after our first 7 week scan.
awwww, what is it with men and slogan t-shirts, my OH loves them, goodness knows what kind of things he will buy for baby :) xxx
I waited til after our 20 week scan (was too scared before!)......we found out it was a boy and so I bought a top that said 'mummy's handsome little prince' and a really cute pair of shoes that were in a sale in Debenhams! Can't believe how time has flown since then! Have fun shopping when u decide time is right for u xxxx

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