Pushchair/ pram type thing?


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2006
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Hi :wave:

Need all your lovely advice. Not sure what to buy, I can buy a very nice, was very expensive and in good nick car traveller for baby for £20 (baby just grown out of it) off a mate. So I have been ignoring the travel combo buggies. So I need a buggy/ pushchair/ pram type thing that can be used from birth.

This is my first baby and I have no idea! Some say that they can be used form birth but dont look right for a tiny prson and they all face front, which I thought wasnt good for little babies? Prams are great but unweildy and inpracticle. :? :?

Anyone know of the sort of thing I am looking for?

Thanks ladies

I have been having the same thoughts, I am either going to go for the Bebe confort LooLa or the Maclaren Techno (or Techno XT). Both of these have recently won awards and look trendy too :)

I had a look in Mothercare at them but will order online as are much cheaper. pramworld.co.uk looks good.

Hope this helps, it's such a minefield!! :wall:

After lots of researching ( :puke: ) we decided to go for the Quinny Buzz travel system which includes the pushchair, carrier cot and the Maxi cosy car seat (rear facing). The travel system isn't that cheap in the shops but we managed to get a really good deal on ebay - highly recommend looking on there before you buy anything in the shops. The Quinny is great as it is VERY easy to manover (single handed) and the frame collapses really easy and fits in the boot of our car no problem. You could use the pushchair from birth (as you can set it so that your baby lays almost completely flat) so you don't need the carrier cot per say, but I'm terribly picky and wanted make sure that my baba is well support and therefore got the carrier cot as well.
We have a mamas and papas pramette and a mamas and papas car seat, if needed the car seat can clip onto the pushchair, good if i need to get the bus somewhere but getting back by car...

It is a pram and when they are older coverts in a pushchair..great cause i can always see jakob and he can lie down comfy whilst we are out as it is not recommended to keep a baby in a car seat for over 3 hours at one time...
Do you know if the car seat you have will fit on to any travel system as usually you have to buy the seat extra.

I have the Quinny Speedi and the maxi cosy seat. I love it!! It is so easy to use!

S. xx
Daggers said:
After lots of researching ( :puke: ) we decided to go for the Quinny Buzz travel system which includes the pushchair, carrier cot and the Maxi cosy car seat (rear facing). The travel system isn't that cheap in the shops but we managed to get a really good deal on ebay - highly recommend looking on there before you buy anything in the shops. The Quinny is great as it is VERY easy to manover (single handed) and the frame collapses really easy and fits in the boot of our car no problem. You could use the pushchair from birth (as you can set it so that your baby lays almost completely flat) so you don't need the carrier cot per say, but I'm terribly picky and wanted make sure that my baba is well support and therefore got the carrier cot as well.

Me too, and we got ours off E Bay too, OH did the research on it (he is a perfectionist and looks into EVERYTHING before we buy) we went ot our local JOhn Lewis's and had a demonstration on it, then when we were happy it was the one we wanted, we got it on E Bay, at £160 cheaper than shops!! :cheer:
i just got my travel system half price from Kiddicare, which I know isn't what your after but may be worth looking at the site mine was cheaper their than ebay
Zoe C your post made me laugh as it seems alomst like I had written that! :rotfl: My OH is a prefectionist as well and did loads of research before deciding on the Quinny, we also went to our local JL and had a demo (well a car seat fitting) and then OH searched on ebay for the best deal which was also around £160's cheaper!!! Guess great minds think alike! :wink:
We also have the mamas and papas pramette pliko with the travel seat but didnt use it too often on the pram cos it made it heavy, especially as I was recovering from a c-sction and couldnt lift Charlie in the car seat to even attempt to attch it to the pram.

Best thing was the fact it was a normal pram so I could permanently stare at him whilst I walked him about, then converted to a comfortable pushchair when he was older. I was worried about him being forward facing in the puschair but you can look through the hood and he certainly looks back and pulls faces at me.
Daggers said:
After lots of researching ( :puke: ) we decided to go for the Quinny Buzz travel system which includes the pushchair, carrier cot and the Maxi cosy car seat (rear facing). The travel system isn't that cheap in the shops but we managed to get a really good deal on ebay - highly recommend looking on there before you buy anything in the shops. The Quinny is great as it is VERY easy to manover (single handed) and the frame collapses really easy and fits in the boot of our car no problem. You could use the pushchair from birth (as you can set it so that your baby lays almost completely flat) so you don't need the carrier cot per say, but I'm terribly picky and wanted make sure that my baba is well support and therefore got the carrier cot as well.

seconded, i wanted a pram and pushchair i could have baby facing me as dont like forward facing ones when theyre little, i bought mine off ebay for £320, which although is a lot, was a lot cheaper than the retail price (£480) and i know ill probably get a lot back if i decided to sell it

there are some good multifacing prams about, if you dont need a car seat just look on ebay, but id definitely recommend the quinny :wave:

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