What to wear at night?

Help my thermometer says 26! Ice put sam in a vest, do you think a sleeping bag is needed? X
I wouldn't say so. Xxx

On my iPhone - so cant see tickers :(
Cam is in just a vest and a fan on!

Sent from my shit hot phone! Fo shizzle home girls.
Gosh girls it sounds to me that you are overheating your los. Remember, they are usually warmer than an adult person would be. Cold hands are absolutely normal for babies - its better to check their temperature on the back of their necks or on the chest.

Remember, it's more dangerous to overheat than to get them a bit chilly. And if the baby is cold he will usually let you know, but not if he is too hot (what my hv told me).

G only wears a nappy at 24 degrees. No blankets or anything.

Sorry don't want to upset anyone xx
. Remember, they are usually warmer than an adult person would be. xx

All the information I've read is that babies need one MORE layer than we would!

So if the temp means you'd go to bed in pjs and a sheet, they need a vest, pjs and sheet!!


On my iPhone - so cant see tickers :(
Ooh I'd read the same, one more layer. It's a Shame hv/midwives don't give us all the same info! And let their opinions and experiences effect the info they give us. Oh well we have each other :)

Sam slept soundly in his vest :)
Hmmm ok strange... I remember reading that their blood circulation is faster than ours or smth like that. I remember it definitely said that if an adult is chilly, a baby is probably ok, and if an adult is warm, a baby is probably a bit hot.

They also said smth like remember how kids like swimming in water that would be too cold for you, but they are never cold...

Weird that info can be so contradicting!
See my HV contradicted herself! She said that babies need 1 more layer than us but that they do better when a bit cold than a bit hot.

He was getting grizzly with the heat last night. I gave him a slightly warmer bath last night cos then the air doesn't seem so warm, he slept in the buff with just his swaddling and he was fine
My HV told me if its cold they need 1 more layer than us and if its hot one less. Its a shame they all give conflict ing advice.
Last night tegans room was 27 degrees, we had both windows open and she was in just a nappy with a sheet over her x
I've been letting leo sleep in but his nappy. He's Got a horrible heat rash so It's really be helping it xx

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Emily has been just fine at night in a short sleeve vest and 1 tog grobag.
She does always seem to be warmer than me when in the same amount of layers, but then I am naturally someone who always feels cold! Advice varies enormously... It's hard to get it right!

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