what to get OH?

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Me, My Girls & I

Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2009
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i'm really stuck! he's a lot better off than me, and really, whatever he wants he buys! i had one idea for him, but his mum's bloody bought him it already! :wall: he keeps saying he doesnt want anything but i've got to get him something! and he said what he's getting me costs a bit :roll: so i'm stuck! i'm looking on the help for heroes website at their gifts and stuff and they've got hoodies and i was thinking with him being ex-army then maybe something like that might be good co its for a good cause too?! god i'm so stuck!!
Give him a voucher that states you will become his sexual slave for a weeks, or a voucher saying you will do a BJ onece a weeks for a year :lol:
Rósa;1692907 said:
Give him a voucher that states you will become his sexual slave for a weeks, or a voucher saying you will do a BJ onece a weeks for a year :lol:

:rofl: My OH would be more than happy with that :lol:
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Hmmmm what to get the man who has everything......... It's gonna have to be something sentemental that he can't/won't buy. Something really thoughtful that won't cost alot.
I think the hoody is a great idea, defo get that but I reckon a cheeky little thoughtful thing would be great as well.

What's his hobbies or interests? Xx
:rofl: rosa he expects that anyway! he loves films and cinema, is massively into online gaming... nothing i can really buy anything like! my bessie from schools going out with a loaded guy too and she was saying last night she was going to do somehting like a spa day and them both turn their phones off for 24hours, have dinner and just spend some quality time together! i cant do the spa day thing tho cos i cant afford it and i cant really get rid of the kids for the night either! hmmmmm!
it's such a tough one isn't it?!! my oh is a nightmare to buy for because he buys everything he wants!!! I have no idea what to get him for xmas???
Does he collect anything in particular? maybe there's something you can add too?
does he do 'love film'? you could organise a subscription for him and pay for the first 3 months? OH gets the package where he gets films and xbox games. if hes into films he'd like that :flower:
You ever thought about getting him something from the kids and that, Maybe make a family picture and frame it. Showing him he is loved by all of you x

Pretty cheap to do and it comes from the heart... <3

I have no idea what to get my Oh this year since we both not working and skint from so many debts. But I was thinking maybe getting him something to do with his son that we are expecting just after in feb :D x
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^^ yeah I got OH an 'I love daddy' bib for valentines day from the baby, it cost £1 from tesco but he loved it :love: and I got him a book for fathers day which was a childrens story book about 'My Dad is the best!' Mens egos are pretty easy to please!!! :lol:
i dont have that option tho do i? :lol: i'm thinking of asking fob to have them for a night and doing him a nice dinner and erm, a mrs santa outfit was mentioned yesterday :lol: and his every wish would be fulfilled that night, well, within reason like! and then it would be something that meant a lot cos we dont get time just the two of us really, theres always kids in bed lol
Bring him breakfast in bed? Or get the children to do it? Like I said though A picture of you all would be nice :) He could keep it on his bedside or wallet if you got some made small enough x
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