what to do???


Well-Known Member
May 25, 2007
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when i left school at 16 i went straight to work and did everything from factory/receptionist/sales/estimator etc /...... all office based jobs.

then i went to college when i was 19 and found out i was pregnant but still managed to get one A-level.

now i've no job (obviously) but i do want to go back to work in about 6 months..... but i dont know what to do.
i have 9 gcse's A-C and one a-level in travel&tourism.

i want to do something though, and not be stuck in a dead end job.

i enjoyed being a receptionist - i like the whole 'working alone' part of it.. but im also interested in travel.

i did work experience at airtours booking holidays and i really enjoyed it, but now it's closed down.

i dont know whether to go back to college or do a home learning course and what to do it in. my stepdad has offered to pay for the course so ive no money worries... Can anyone help?? or suggest anything??
What about calltaking for the police / ambulance / fire brigade, answering emergency calls....They will train you.. dont necessarily need any qualifications, good money, flexi shifts.

I used to calltake for ambulance and loved it..now I do it for police..and love it too!

I used to be an assistant manager in a travel agents, I went to college for 3 years to get the qualifications for the job...I did the job for a year and a half and absolutely hated it!
Foxxi said:
What about calltaking for the police / ambulance / fire brigade, answering emergency calls....They will train you.. dont necessarily need any qualifications, good money, flexi shifts.

How do you find jobs like those? I fancied doing something like that, i work in a bank at the moment and its all sales, and i cant be doing with it!!
1sttimemum said:
How do you find jobs like those? I fancied doing something like that, i work in a bank at the moment and its all sales, and i cant be doing with it!!

Phew long story... I'll try and make it brief.

I worked in the Travel Agents at the time...and the job was really pissing me off... I was sat thinking of things I really wanted to do.. and I thought calltaking for ambulance would be interesting..so I got the number for the ambulance headquarters..rang them and they said that there was no jobs going at the time, but the girl in personnel said that she would send me an application form anyway and keep it on file...I thought yeah yeah, im sure you will keep it on file :roll:

Then a few weeks later I got a letter to go for an interview... later that day, I got a call to say that I had gotten a 3 month temp contract (noone told me it would be temp) so I thanked them, but declined their offer, saying that I couldnt afford to leave a full time permanent job for a 3 month temp job, I was gutted..I was young, lived alone with a mortgage. The girl on the phone who offered me the job understood and said that she would 'bare me in mind' for any future permanent jobs.

Later that day...I got another call from her... she said that it was my lucky day and someone at ambulance had just handed in their notice...and would I like the job. 4 years I did it for and it was fab...

I worked in the same room as the police calltakers... and when they where advertising internally, I thought I didnt stand a chance cos it was just advertised for police staff not public.. but applied anyway.. and got that job..so left ambulance, been working for police for 4 years now..and dont think I'll ever leave.
wow thanks fox sounds really good!
i bet it's well interesting working at somewhere like that.
hmmmm u got me thinking now baby :wink: :wink: :lol:
My Oh is a sargeant in the police and just told him aboout fancying doing something like that and he said that the place where they do the call taking is quite close to were we live, i will keep my eyes open for when i go back to work, thanks for the detailed story


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