What to do??!!


New Member
Oct 1, 2013
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Hi ladies.
Newbie here. :)

Me and the husband have been talking of trying for a baby. Im all game for having a baby thats never been an issue. All that worries me is were not made of money, hes self employed as a window cleaner and in the winter as you can imagine isnt as easy to get out and get the work done.
We also live in a small 1 bedroom cottage and i worry about the space.
He doesnt want to become an old Dad so wants to start trying. I know theyll be time for the Pill to leave my system - (i took my last one on Monday) and then it actually happening. What you know sods law itll happen sooner than we expect.
Do i just start trying or wait to try and get a new house (we rent so can come and go as we please).
Has this happened to anyone else?
Any words of advice gratefully received.
I really don't think you're alone! Many people who are trying don't feel 100% 'ready' - there'll always be this or that to pay for... or a better job x years down the line... or a bigger house someday... but as long as you have a roof over your heads and some money coming in, you'll cope. Plenty of people do.

We're in a similar position really - forking out for a wedding at the moment so would like to have more time to rebuild some of our savings before ttc - but in reality we don't want to leave it any longer, so we're not. We have a lovely home and we'll only spend what we can afford and we'll give our baby the best life we possibly can when the time comes. And you can do the same. There's loads of information online about keeping the costs down in your baby's first year. Here's one article I just found: http://www.theguardian.com/money/2011/jul/15/cost-baby-first-year
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when we fell pregnant with dexter (now 14 months old) he wasnt planned.
we were living in a shared student house with 2 mates.
moved to a one bedroom flat, the tiniest little flat ever, when i was 2 months pregnant. stayed there til dex was 10months old! so well over a year! OH was in uni and livin off student loan, and i was working part time as a bar maid. money was extremely tight and space was extremely limited.
but dexter was very wanted. and we got by, he never wanted for anything. and now we're renting a 3 bedroom house and planning on another baby next year.

i say go for it! you might need to make some changed along the way, find other jobs etc, move house... but it will all be so worth it. and a baby is a great motivator xxx
My mum told me that if you ever wait til your financially or emotionally ready to have a baby, you will never have one!

Go for it! You will make it work no matter what :)
I agree with all said above. We had been married only 9 months when we fell pregnant and while that's still married and sorted, we did get hitched young (19) and hubbs was very naive as he had never lived anywhere but in his parent's house and had seen nothing of the world. Not to mention that we hadn't even touched each other sexually until the wedding night so we had a bit of a faff with contraception that then failed!! We were living in a teeny weeny 2 room marina house (thats two rooms-total!) when we fell pregnant. We just had to pray things would work out and they did, financially it didn't look possible but by the kindness of our church family and friends we were never wanting for anything and Hubby got a better job. We will never be wealthy (unless my books suddenly become number 1 best sellers!!!) but our girls are loved and that's what matters! If you're ready emotionally to love your baby, everything else will fall into place! xx
We both work but we live paycheck to paycheck and it can be tight at some points, but we have been saving up so we have some money behind us before we TTC next year, but even so i know it will be hard at times

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