What time if day did you go into labour?


Well-Known Member
Jul 8, 2005
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I'm curious because I woke up at 4am having contractions with Katy, so every day if i'm not in labour when I wake up my silly brain tells me 'oh well, maybe tomorrow'!! :oops:

I know its ridiculous but who can explain a pregnant womans logic!?! :rotfl:

So i'm just wondering what time everyone else started having labour signs or contractions??
I went to the hospital for a sweep and after that had dull aching for the rest day but was told to expect that so didn't think much of it. I went to bed and woke up at 1am in labour. Although it took me a while to realise this as first I thought I just needed a poo or had a tummy upset :oops:
If you mean the beginnings of labour? I was about 2am with Jess and about 4am with Nathan. Aimee was induced so I can't count her. But labour started propally about 11am with Jess and 12 noon with Nathan.

I used to the exact same thing though, Lol. I'd go to bed having some niggling pains and think it was the start then wake up in the middle of the night and it was all gone. So disappointing!
I woke up about 6.30 am with contractions but didn't realise they were contractions until my consultants appointment at 9am :oops:
i woke up with mild contractions at 5:30am... they only got strong and regular by 5:30 in afternoon though :hug:
Hi Katysmummy,

I'm exactly the same as you. I've woken at 4am the past 2 days with strong period pains that only last 20 mins and then subside. Once I've woken at 8ish and no more of them, I think, that's it for today, maybe tomorrow!

It's weird how my brain only thinks I could go into labour in the early hours of the morning. There's something abotu it being dark I think.

My waters went at 11.55pm and my contractions started pretty much straight after.
I'd been getting pains all day which I thought was just part of the joys of pregnancy :roll:

Good luck hun, not long to go :D
waters broke at 8pm ish (just after Stella jumped off the roof in eastenders :rotfl: )
I starten to notice mild cramping at about 9pm when being assessed in hospital
contractions became painful around 11pm
I read somewhere labour most usually starts at night because your levels of seratonin are higher which helps birth progression.

It's why they've found women who stay relaxed or in darkened rooms progress better than those who get scared!

Good Luck xx
i started getting contarctions around 8pm and waters broke at 10.45pm :D
i was in pre-labour for about 36 hours with very mild cramps, but the proper contractions started as i was going to bed the day b4 i gave birth- so i didnt get any sleep! :roll:
My first lot of contractions started at about 4pm. As they kept trying to stop them, they restarted about 5 times - always in the evening.
My waters finally broke 2 weeks later - I was woken by contractions (again) at about 5.30am and my waters broke at 6am
My contractions started very weakly (i didnt think they was contractions) at 7.30am when i got up in the morning... i was in hospital by 4pm and Ellis came at 6.58am next day!! bugger!!

Your doing well Em... nearly 39 weeks not much longer xxxxx
mum-2-one said:
I went to the hospital for a sweep and after that had dull aching for the rest day but was told to expect that so didn't think much of it.

Same here -
Sweep 9am thurs morning (2cm dilated)
Pains got uncomfortable 11am friday morning
Examined in hospital 4pm friday (5cm dilated)
Had Ryan 8.27pm

I don't really know when my labour started as it wasn't til the Friday it started getting uncomfortable for me and by then I was already quite a bit dilated.
With my first I was already in hospital as there were problems with the heartbeat. I felt the first contractions about 2:30 am and swore I just had bad wind!! By 6 am, the midwife on duty decided she no longer believed it was wind and examined me, I was 3cm dilated and my daughter was born at 8 am.

With my 2nd I woke up at 3:55 am the morning after having a sweep and contractions were every 5 mins. My son was born at 9:25 am.
i started getting contractions at 3am but didnt actually know that they were as they were very irregular and not very painful. didnt go into proper labour til 7pm that night
I had no signs at all all day, then went to bed about 11:55 - my waters went at midnight on the dot, contractions started about 5 minutes later and baby arrived at half 2.

I was exactly the same before he was born, every morning I woke up and thought oh well, maybe tomorrow...

My sister had her baby on wednesday, her contractions started mid morning, waters went at 5:45 and my niece was born at 8pm so it can happen during the day.
I had a membrane sweep
4pm at midwifes
1am is when my contractions started
7am hind waters broke
6.07pm riley was born via c section
I woke up at about 3 am because my back was hurting me, but I didn't think it had anything to do with labour as my back hurt all the time, just this was bad enough to wake me up...then I woke up about 12ish having conractions all the time...every 2 or 3 mins and they were horrible...

I went to the bathroom and saw what I thought was bleeding, but turned out to be my show and then 6 hours later Tia pops out...

I knew I was in labour because the pain was completely different from anything else...even though the midwives kept telling me I wasn't..... well I proved them wrong... :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: When I arrived at the hospital around 1ish, I was only 1cm dialated so they sent me off for a bath :roll: , when I came out around 2ish I was 2cm dialated, about an hour later I got my epidural as I was 3cm and was in "established labour" then by 6.20pm they checked and I was 10cm, head down ready to pop out... Baby born at 6.56pm... :cheer:

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