What time if day did you go into labour?

11.20pm 29th May I signed off this forum, went for a P, and :shock: I kept P'ing, my waters had gone, mild contractions started, then BAM!! 86hrs later Isaac was born :lol: yes he took his time :D
It seems that most of you went into labour in the early hours of the morning which is what I thought would happen...I watch too much TV!
I went into labour at 7.30pm and didnt have any warning before, just started with period type cramps whilst sat on a gym ball watching a documentary called life in the womb...how strange! Think Charlie was relating to the programme or may be I just got myself all anxious/excited about it :dance:
I was having contractions on/off from Thursday and also lost my plug. Then at 00:30 on the Saturday my waters broke and was straight into contractions every few mins. Had Seb 5hs 47 mins later

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