what size nappies?


New Member
Sep 5, 2006
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Hi, my wife is 16 weeks pregnant and I'd like to start stockpilling nappies now if thats possible to make the first few months easier. so i have a couple of questions. What are the sizes of nappies and what do they mean?
How often is the baby gonna increase in nappy sizes? I mean will it change size every month , every week? i ask this cause i've seen job lots of 300 size 3 pampers on ebay and other websites and that seems like an awful lot of nappies in just the one size.
Which kind of leads me to my last and probably most naive question. how many times in 24 hours does a new born baby need changed?

A newborn usually has around 10 nappy changes a day

My son is now 10months and has about 6 changes a day

I would buy some new baby ones 1 packet will only last you a couple of days
I found Pampers New baby the best and i think these come in 3 sizess it all depends on the size of your baby

you tend to move to the next size when leaking happens quite often

I hope that has helped you some

Ps what i would advice is Joining the Boots baby club and get an advantage card as they always have offers on Nappies and the points soon add up
Its very difficlut to say what size nappies to get & I wouldn't buy in bulk now tbh as you have no idea what size your little 'un will be. With my son he was in newborn for a few days then went up a size as he was a big baby at birth.
I would just buy a pack of new born then see how you get on. We found Boots own the best (we also use reusable nappies, which may be an option for you) but each to their own.
Hiya welcome to the forum!

Check the weight guidlines on the newbaby size...some of them the max. weight is really tiny. I had to take some of my size ones back, but lots of places eg. Mothercare you can't swap nappies at all.

Personally I'd get 2/3 packs of each size until you reach size 4, them buy LOADS as the weight on number 4 is from 15 to 40lbs!! Brody is 9 months and he'll be in number 4's for ages yet, (he's about 22lbs at the moment)

The average birthweight is 7lb 4oz I think so start at around this size and work up.

By the way, as soon as you can I'd swap from Pampers new baby to Pampers Baby Dry...they are stretchier and more absorbant.

Good luck!

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