what should i do?


Well-Known Member
May 14, 2007
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willow has taken to watching the tv now i know she is not actually watching it (although she likes eastenders lol) but im not sure if this is bad for her, it seems to carrm her down when she is crying. and right now she is mesmerised by me on this computer.
Jake liked watching the tv when he was tiny. They like the colours and movements. As long as you don't put them too close to the tv I don't see the harm in it. I bought Jake the baby einstein DVD'd baby mozart and baby beethovan and he has watched them from 3 months. I don't put him in front of the tv all of the time but it gives me half an hour of quiet to get a few things done.
Ruby LOVES the tv :oops: She plays on her mat in the living room, and I do turn her away from the tv, but now she is rolling, she shifts herself round to look at it!!

I do turn it off when I am playing with her or feeding her so there are no distractions
Lib has just started this - she was kicking her legs along to Grease last weekend :rotfl: & was staring at the computer screen when I was on here yesterday - looked like my little proof reader :D

I just won't put her too near the TV, I think they just like the bright colours......maybe its Pats earrings in Eastenders that are the draw?

Don't worry too much hun :hug:
I really wouldn't worry. Its all about learning and taking everything in at this stage. When she's older and crawling and walking she'll be off and probably won't be that interested in the tele, far too many other good things to do around the house!
I don't see any harm in kiddies watching t.v at all just as long as they aren't plonked infront of it all day every day.
Rubys mummy said:
Ruby LOVES the tv :oops: She plays on her mat in the living room, and I do turn her away from the tv, but now she is rolling, she shifts herself round to look it

luke does that :lol: he loves the movement and the colours, we have come to the conclusion he likes the colour greean as he loves football and snooker!! :rotfl:

Kiaras never been interested in it expecually since she was able to move about , she cant sit still for 5 min :lol:
The only thing she will watch is music and she only watches a minute then starts dancing
as long as you dont use it as a part time baby sitter i dont see the problem, i let annabelle watch tv at times and the lappy when im on it and she also likes to play with the keys :lol:

there is actually a site u can use to let babies bash keys and it plays music (not got the link as its on the pc)

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