Question for bottle feeding mums


Well-Known Member
May 14, 2007
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how old is your baby and how much milk does he or she take?

willow is 7 weeks and is taking 5ozs im thinking of upping it to 6ozs as sometimes she sucks the bottle complety dry but not everytime. should i wait for her to empty the bottle everytime, her feed are less now and she has started to either sleep through the night or wake up only once
hey becky

Evie is 7 weeks tommorow and this is her feeds:
8am- 6oz

she gets this rountine every day and finishes her bottle everytime. Since we have put her on this routine she sleeps right through the night.

If you up her feed to 6 oz make sure its her night feed (to see her through the night), her morning feed (as she'll be more hungry as she will have gone longer without a feed) and her afternoon feed (as its important for her to have a longer nap in the day).
Hope that helps :D
Nathan is 14 weeks and hes on 7oz bottles. He usually has between 6 and 7oz so I always make 7's up. Don't wait till shes draining every bottle, put it up before then. Theres nothing worse than the baby screaming for more milk when theres none left. Drives me mad, lol.
Ruby is nearly 17 weeks and is only just taking 6oz bottles....she was only taking 4oz sometimes 5oz but she must be having a growth spurt now and is taking nearly the full 6oz:

7-7.30am 6oz
6.15pm 3-4oz "top up" before bed
11pm 6oz

She sleeps through the night and has done since 7 weeks
thanks i might up her night feed and morning feed like little red suggested. we put willow to bed about 7:30 - 8.00 and she goes right through to about 4 am and then goes back to sleep til 8 am ish i will give her 6oz tonight and see if she goes through, i dont mind getting up early as by putting her down early me and hubby get a few hours to ourselves to have dinner etc.. :wink: and willow doesent seem to mind either.
Elora is on solids now and not breastfeeding anymore... we are giving her 6oz in between soilds, she doesnt finish the lot either. Shes been like this for a few months, has my fatty bom bom lol.
C is 7 weeks and he is taking between 5 and 6 ounces xxx
well i gave willow 6ozs last night and put her to bed at 7:30 and she didnt wake up til 6am, i am now going to give her 6ozs every feed unfortunatly i still dint have a feed rountine i will see how it goes.

those of you that feed at the same time everyday do you wake your LO to do so .
luke is 13 weeks and only takes 4 ozs at a time, he occassionally will drain the bottle but very rarely.

his routine which he naturally put himself in just this last week or so is:

5am 4oz
9am 4oz
12 noon 4oz
3pm 4oz
6pm 4oz
9pm 4oz

we put him to bed at 10ish and he sleeps til 5am long may it continue!!
rhys is 5months tomorrow and he is on 8oz gow & gate hungry baby milk

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